The fall of the city Kessab, the borders of present-day Syria and Cilicia our – your point of view – has Armenians around the world in shock.
Lack of information – or sufficiently reliable – it is unrealistic to try to understand what is really happening now.
One particular is certain: when we write these lines, the city is still in the hands of jihadists from various sources, which have in this spectacular operation of the immediate support of Turkey.
We all have done our duty, and we will continue to do so to support Kessab and its Armenian population. As far as it can, given the circumstances. Indeed, in this case, we are particularly … derogatory field, and this time not only in Western Diaspora, but even in the Middle East. As for Armenia and Artsakh, they demonstrated a concern in this matter, a spirit and a remarkable solidarity, real commitment and unwavering, as part of the logic of everything they do and already perform effectively and diligently to support the Armenians of Syria and assist, and since the beginning of hostilities in the country.
That being said – and done – it should address this issue from another perspective.
All told, we, Armenians, failed to Kessab? Should we have to defend ourselves the ultimate end of Cilicia, a pan-Armenian fighter mobilization?
The analogy would be applicable in this regard that constituted the initial and crucial phase of the war of liberation of Artsakh, culminating with the victory of Shushi. Without which, the Armenian region could not be released (subject to adjustment).
So Kessab Shushi and even fight? At least at the stage in the short term, if not, for the moment, a final goal …
On the ideological level, the argument is certainly valid. However, he can not resist the elementary test of reality and facts.
Today, unlike other bygone eras, the Diaspora does not have “combat forces.”
When jihadists attacked Kessab with the logistical support of Turkey, the Armenian Diaspora was quite simply incapable of conducting an armed struggle with the Armenians of Syria first. As this was done, mutatis mutandis, in Artsakh to Shouchi.
Regarding specifically the potential for armed struggle of the Armenians of Syria itself, it should be noted that it had been eradicated long ago, compliments of the predecessors of the current Assad regime, and by means of unprecedented ferocity.
As for the argument of armed intervention from Armenia / Artsakh, it is also within the superficial romanticism. In fact, there are more fighters in Armenia and Artsakh – God thank you -. There are soldiers. There is a national army. Consequently, the intervention of military Armenians Kessab to fight alongside the Syrian army and against supported by laTurquie strengths, all against a backdrop of serious clashes continuing on the fronts of Artsakh and North Armenia is the same, and in a context of extreme exacerbation of the so-called cold war on the Ukrainian front … this is an unthinkable scenario.
But returning to the Diaspora, provided it does not have the means to wage armed struggle to Kessab, ought she not then hold at least adequate, dignified and orderly evacuation of the city? Now, all we heard about it rather indicates a state of total confusion in this respect also, between the approximate panic and stampede can improvised, including having the effect of leaving the most vulnerable elements of e thank you to the people of the invaders. Thus, two mamigs have even found suddenly in Turkey! And we dare not speak of surprise, grace, this event was certainly predictable, even highly probable, for two years.
But it is not finished yet, alas … Not only the Diaspora was unable to protect Armenians Kessab, it not only has not even been able to organize their escape, but to top it all, this day again, the slogan of a certain FRA remains in force, urging Armenians from Syria to stay in Syria …
This posture is not only despicable because of the utter helplessness of the same party to ensure the safety of our fellow concerned, but also constitutes a flagrant violation of the fundamental ideology of the program more than a century, the very soul of the party, given at the same time it asks Armenians remain die in Syria (for what, for whom, exactly? …), the Motherland, she opens its arms to welcome these Armenians, their physical survival, and provide at least some future.
At this stage of this process, it should be emphasized as the grave responsibility of Bashar El Assad in the current situation Kessab. Because it is not limited to the above-mentioned fact that the system which is the successor in every sense of the term was responsible … to “settle down” seriously Armenians of Syria.
Not to give too much grist to the mill of those who has now become a common enemy of the Armenians, and other Shiite Alawites, recall quickly or furtively, the following only a few realities:
in terms of the common enemy, precisely, it was not always so far away …;
it is the Syrian regime in question which had a cross (if we may say …) on the Sanjak of Alexandretta, and in doing so had largely diminished any importance Kessab at certain aspirations of restitution. ..; while encouraging at the same time, the expansionism of Ankara, on behalf of the “territorial integrity” of “his” Sandzak. Which is also reminiscent of postures – and Sneeze – a Aliev towards Artsakh …
Assad father and son have also ensured systematic “dilution” of the original population Kessab; in 1974 already when Kessab was then a large village surrounded by small villages and this whole area was exclusively populated by Armenians, arriving there for the first time, the undersigned, teenager, was shocked to see, above all, a huge mosque knowingly derived from the main entrance to the town …; thereafter, necessarily led by the leaders of Damascus, Armenians have gradually given way to no longer represent a proportion – in the process of continual erosion again – not only the population but even landowners places.
For good measure, also have the courage to mention some responsibility for our own. Because there was physical abandonment Kessab, by emigration continues at all times; full Pax Syriana same, well before the beginning of any index changes. In addition, there was also a tendency to have a little too hastily property and ancestral land to non-Armenians. (Sorry for this exception to the internal “political correctness”, but here we compare Kessab to Shushi, nothing less, and it would have been unfair to our fellow Artsakh not meet this significant difference also between the two situations While recalling … what kind and how much adversity they have faced, especially during the long period of domination Azeri, and with means of resistance ridiculous …)
In light of all the observations described above, it is therefore clear that the only action we can take today to save Kessab is strictly political.
However, if this is an obligation of means to which we can not escape us, we must not delude ourselves, in terms of results. On the one hand, because in an armed conflict of this nature and magnitude, policy approaches are all empty cases, and more, when limited in nicely “citizen”. On the other hand, because that for most countries in the Diaspora Armenians knocking at the wrong door … In this case, one of the very ones who opened and held the door that came cheerfully invaders Kessab …
Unless with the consent of Bashar Al Assad, the area is destined to become a “buffer zone”, Kessab can still be released. Finally … To return for the moment, Syria. .. However, given the global mobilization of the Armenians – especially in the West – prepared in an unusually united and coordinated impetus to come to the aid of Kessab Bashar Assad might even be tempted to take his time before possibly back the intruders from Turkey … History make the most of the effects of this “lobby” international unexpected, in countries where itself can never set foot.
Ultimately, as in the case of Artsakh, the fate of Kessab depends ultimately the course of the titanic conflict between the West and the East. And more specifically, plans Vladimir Putin.
And this is where, ultimately, the only real commonality between Kessab and Shushi: the ultimate fate of the Armenian lands depends on the current regime in Moscow. And not just the land, besides …
This puts us, citizens of Western states in a highly problematic situation. To say the least.
I Haytoug Chamlian
Montreal, April 4, 2014
This text is a translation by – I assume – Mr. Sarkissian.
(Without any mention of the original source of the article, alas…)
Here is the original article, in its English, Armenian and French versions, as originally drafted by the author himself :