The Karabakh issue is a small part of the Armenian issue. One of the most difficult to solve, almost unsolvable. Why, I will discuss below. And the Armenian issue should be raised, because the borders of the Armenian SSR with an area of 29.8 thousand square kilometers were drawn in such a way that it is impossible to protect them, even if you have the strongest army in the world.

Armenians are maximalist, emotional, they have not had statehood for centuries. That’s why they don’t have state thinking. They were obsessed with the writings of storytellers, that’s why they are far from reality, the so-called “real politics”. It is easy to tempt them and send them on the path of implementation of ideas beyond our capabilities without prospects. Let’s say, demand that Turkey recognize its genocidal sin and pay for it.
The same Turkey waited 100 years, became 85 million, formed the third or fourth strongest army in the world with the help of America, and has just started the implementation of its Great Turan program, without prudently speaking about it. And we, facing the danger of losing our 29.8 thousand square kilometers, want to present applications with a dim future in international courts for the return of 160 thousand square kilometers. While there is a real way to protect and further expand those 29.8 thousand, it is necessary to remind the world of what it has known for a long time. To remind about the criminal aggression against the first republic of Armenia and the abolition of independent Armenian statehood by the armed forces of Kemalist Turkey, Bolshevik Russia and Sovietized Azerbaijan on the basis of the criminal pact of Lenin-Stalin-Ataturk. As a result, in Moscow in 1921 According to the agreement, the territory of Armenia was divided between Turkey, Soviet Russia and Soviet Azerbaijan. It should also be reminded that when the President of Azerbaijan Aliyev demands Zangezur today, he is referring to the unnamed part of the life of that pact.
I think many people are convinced today that starting the solution of the Armenian question with the demand to join Karabakh to Armenia or to recognize its independence was wrong and hopeless. Why? Because the Karabakh problem was not a separate problem, it was a consequence. And not directly. It was the consequence of the above-mentioned criminal pact and the illegal treaty of Moscow in every sense. Moreover, the Karabakh problem was the most difficult to notice from the consequences. Why? Because in 1920 According to the agreement signed in August between the First Republic of Armenia and Bolshevik Russia, Karabakh was recognized as a disputed territory, and Russian troops were stationed there. In other words, the first republic of Armenia has accepted that it is a disputed territory. Forced, but agreed. And, unlike Nakhichevan, The transfer of Artsakh to Sovietized Azerbaijan was not included in the interstate agreement recording the annexation. It was made later, as a result of an intra-Soviet verbal agreement. But later, no matter how painful it is, it was fixed by the constitutions and official maps of the USSR. In other words, the demand for the return of depopulated Nakhichevan may be more understandable for the world than that of Karabakh inhabited by Armenians.
In fact, no matter how painful it is, the Karabakh movement was beneficial for those who made the plan to restore the Soviet Union in the future and for Azerbaijan, which as a result of that movement got the opportunity to deport several hundred thousand Armenians and take over their property. It is easily seen if we consider who benefited and who suffered from that process.
It is understandable why Yerevan does not intervene in any direct action of opening the Lachine Corridor and can only provide diplomatic support. Otherwise, the dream of the enemies of Armenia will come true, and Baku will get an opportunity to apply the same atrocities in Armenia that are being committed in Ukraine. One can understand why Yerevan cannot leave the CSTO, let alone abandon the agreements signed with Russia. The minimum consequence of this will be that the price of gas will increase several times, Armenia’s already fragile economy will collapse, and the people will revolt. But it is not clear why Yerevan cannot remind the world about the aggression committed against the first republic of Armenia, the abolition of the independent Armenian state and the annexation of its territory. As a result of which the territory of Armenia was divided to Turkey by the Moscow Treaty of 1921, between Bolshevik Russia and Sovietized Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, the President of Azerbaijan Aliyev, when addressing the world and demanding Zangezur, means the unnamed part of the life of the criminal pact of Lenin-Stalin-Ataturk.
According to some reports, a session of the UN General Assembly dedicated to the events taking place in Ukraine will be held soon. We think it would be right for the Prime Minister of Armenia to make a speech there and inform the world not only about the blockade of Karabakh, but also about the criminal pact that is the source of Armenia’s misfortunes, the aggression of 3 states and the division of the territory of Armenia between these three. As a result of which today it was possible to blockade Karabakh and talk about the Zangezur corridor.
Grigor Emin-Teryan
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