Yesterday January 26 in Jerusalem, about 30 to 40 Jewish extremists attacked the restaurant belonging to the Armenian Mihran Grigoryan, and damaged the property with cries of “death to Christians” and “death to Arabs”.

restaurant owner Mihran Grigoryan said the incident happened in the evening, around 10:30 p.m. As a result of the incident, which lasted about 5 minutes, there were no personal injuries, only property and dishes were damaged. “The restaurant was pretty full. The Jewish extremists stood in front of the restaurant and started shouting “death to Christians”, and “death to Arabs”, and uttered various insults, then they started to overturn the tables and chairs placed outside, throwing them at our employees, and our employees hit them as hard as they could to get them out of the area. Until the police came and they started running away,” said Mihran Grigoryan.
According to the owner of the restaurant, the extremists were prepared, they had papers with the words “death to Christians” and “death to Arabs”. Mihran Grigoryan filed a complaint with the police the same evening. According to him, 2-3 extremists were arrested. They were to be released today. “The police should continue their actions to identify the culprits and bring them to justice, but the police have not yet contacted us, apart from our complaint,” said Mher Grigoryan. He added that the incident did not end there. Extremist Jews are also attacking in the online realm. After the incident, they write negative comments on the restaurant’s Facebook page, trying to influence the restaurant’s rating. After this unpleasant situation, Mihran Grigoryan received many messages and calls for support. “During the incident the customers left in fear but today they came back and apologized for not paying their bill we said the account is closed be calm don’t worry No.
Today we already had a large number of customers, we continue our work as usual, there is a great demand, we also called, various people expressed their support,” said Mher Grigoryan. The restaurant owner has also received calls from the Greek and Latin Patriarchates, at the initiative of which a demonstration will take place next to the restaurant tomorrow January 28. “This is not the first time that extremists have shown such behavior. Non-Jewish residents are systematically attacked. After the elections, the government has become a bit extreme, minorities are harassed, people’s property is damaged and there is no one to take responsibility for it. They always say that they could not reveal such and such a case and they close the files,” said Mher Grigoryan. Recall that on January 11, Jewish extremists wrote “death to Armenians”, “death to Christians”, “revenge” in Hebrew on the walls of the Church of Saint James in Jerusalem. There have always been provocations against Armenian clerics in Jerusalem. In the past, extremists would spit on members of the Congregation, there have been instances where the incident turned into a