In Israel, about 20 Azeri batons and stones attacked peaceful Armenian protesters who were marching under the flags of Armenia and Artsakh against military cooperation between Israel and Azerbaijan. The representative of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem Father Tiran Hakobyan said this in a conversation with “Armenpress”.

“During the rally, about 20 Azeris living in Israel blocked the way of our protesters with 3-4 cars, started breaking the cars with batons and stones, as well as hitting the Armenians in the cars. There was a clash between our protesters and them, during which 4-5 young Armenians received moderate to severe injuries, and one of our elderly compatriots fainted. He was taken to hospital. “Everyone is fine at the moment,” said Father Tiran.
The representative of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem mentioned that during the incident the Azerbaijanis caused property damage of 5-10 thousand dollars.
“One of the cars that suffered the most damage, because it was the one in front, in which there was a woman and a child, suffered a loss of about 5-10 thousand dollars as a result of the blows of the Azerbaijanis,” he said.
Father Tiran added that during the clash, Israeli police arrived at the scene and arrested some of the Azeris who provoked the provocation.
The assailants were carrying Azerbaijani flags.
On October 17, protesters marched from the Israeli city of Haifa to the Knesset building in Jerusalem to protest military cooperation between Israel and Azerbaijan during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Local Jews took part in the action.