Who is the first to shout catch the thief…

Yes, the thief! And while the gullible are looking around, the thief makes a lucky move. It is not for nothing that we use this saying in order to accurately determine the real “thief” and not to fall into a pointless search. You see, we still did not understand why we lost the 44-day war, Nikol Pashinyan declared that he is not guilty. or am I responsible but not guilty, go and catch the guilty one. And for two and a half years we have been looking for the culprit to catch. With the same success, Pashinyan was the first to announce that he did not hand over land… Another day he stood up and announced that I did not hand over Artsakh. Then, how far do we have to go to find the first person to shout “Catch the thief”?
Who first spoke of treason? Nicole. Who was the first to talk about the fact that there are officials in Armenia who you don’t know are agents of the country? Nicole. Who first spoke about mass desertion in the Armenian army? Nicole or his wife is irrelevant. Finally, who first spoke of the 5th column? Nicole. Aren’t there too many instances of Nicole being the first in everything? And when Nicole first spoke about the 5th column, other team members immediately followed her. From that I got the impression that we are now talking about a group crime, that is, a full 5th column led by Pashinyan. I will not list all of them, because our society knows all the members of that gang like the back of their hand, some by name, some by physiognomy, and some by the shape of their beard.
Any convoy, in addition to the commander, also has deputy commanders. Ditsuk, the first deputy commander of the 5th column is collaborationist Kocharyan Ando. After Pashinyan, he was the first to announce the presence of such a column in the army. Either way, we have to go and catch them, and this is said by a man who was entrusted with two temporary commissions investigating the circumstances of the two wars, and he turned those commissions into permanent commissions, and the end is not in sight. Why? Because the 5th column is him and Nikol, and he and Nikol cannot be examined, nor can their circumstances be studied. That’s it. Otherwise, we listened to who went to Ando for questioning, who didn’t, what the general said, what the general said to Ando and Nikol in the style typical of the army: “Siktir”.
Vahagn Aleksanyan… he doesn’t even know what to say to whose wife and how to behave in women’s society, in general. But now is not the time. This is not enough: he responded to Pashinyan’s statements about the 5th column, and at that moment he also looked at the opposition, making it clear where to look for the 5th column. By the way, touching the eye of a 5th column representative with a fist is not a criminal offense in any country. And if that same columnist prefers the tactic of using his feet, then one can always counter it with the still unsurpassed method of self-defense, kicking the shekamij with his foot, and with that, the fight ends. No court in the world can make a verdict that the rights of Vahagn Aleksanyan, the representative of the 5th column, have been violated. As they say, there is no such thing.
Recently, a boy named Kyaramyan was also revealed. Either way, we will reveal and introduce to the public all the members of the 5th column. You don’t know whether to cry or be angry at the words of this. A representative of the government, which is the 5th column, talks about revealing the 5th column. The Russians would say: за родину обидно… Where have we fallen… And this whole 5th column chose 2 people from among themselves to go and negotiate in Washington, allegedly on the side of Armenia, but for the sake of Azerbaijan. Let me tell you, they negotiated well. The US State Department stated that the positions of the parties have come quite close to signing a peace treaty. And which contract is that? The one about which Nikol said that the parameters are not acceptable for the Armenian people? And, then, who are you, Nikol Pashinyan, Ararat Mirzoyan, Ruben Rubinyan, Kocharyan Ando, Vahagn Aleksanyan, Kyaramyan himself?
Yesterday, at the government meeting, he was puffed up like a turkey, saying that I will go to Brussels and Chisinau to woo Aliyev and negotiate again… And at that moment, Aliyev is shooting in Sotk, sure that the 5th column of Armenia will give more territories, will make new concessions, but instead of peace, he’ll end up getting a three finger combo from his side.
Edik Andreasyan
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