Pashinyan is aware of the catastrophic decline in his rating but continues to cling to power. Let’s compare the pre-election campaign for the 2018 Yerevan Council of Elders elections with the current campaign. At that time, Pashinyan organized gatherings of thousands, where he was the main preacher, announcing that if you voted for Marutyan, it meant you voted for him, you supported the revolution. Now Pashinyan is not in the campaign at all, and if he announces that by voting for Avinyan, you are voting for me, Avinyan may not get a single vote. On the contrary, Avinyan’s campaign is based on the fact that he has almost nothing to do with this government, and on an individual level, they are saying that by giving Avinyan a vote, by strengthening him, we will weaken Pashinyan’s power. The collapse of Pashinyan’s government is obvious.
Pashinyan conducts so-called ostrich politics. in order to show that it is because he is very busy that he does not participate in the campaign, he organizes regional visits. Those visits have no purpose or meaning, except to show that Pashinyan is engaged in some business anyway. For example, the villagers are taught how to irrigate their fields, what seedlings to plant and how long to expect a harvest. Has Pashinyan ever engaged in industrial agriculture? of course no: Then where does he get the knowledge to teach or advise him? He just knows that the peasantry is the poorest and most oppressed part of the society, no peasant will oppose him and say what is his right to do, someone who failed and overthrew the state administration teaches them something. what they have been doing for decades. No peasant will say: if you understand agriculture so well, you know what to do to get income, maybe you should resign from the position of prime minister and do what you understand.
Why, for example, Pashinyan does not enter any hospital, gather doctors and teach them how to make a correct diagnosis, how to perform an operation or organize post-operative treatment. Why, for example, doesn’t he go into an auto repair shop and teach the repairmen how to fix a car engine or how to use the available space more efficiently? Not because he can’t advise these people, he definitely can, because Pashinyan is convinced inside that he knows everything better than everyone else, but he is afraid that a doctor or a car mechanic will tell him the truth to his face. think about himself. But when Pashinyan is teaching the villagers how to cultivate the land in front of the TV screen, the viewer does not see the huge number of bodyguards standing behind Pashinyan. who look threateningly at the poor and oppressed villagers, explaining: let him say whatever he wants, because it should be shown on television so that people can see how much Pashinyan cares about the villagers. People need to see that he is doing something at all.
Pashinyan’s regional visits show something else. he himself knows that his only audience is people impoverished by fear, bribed with several thousand drams, ready to engage in idle and pointless conversation with everyone who comes to the village due to inactivity. Pashinyan knows that when they close the door in front of Avinyan in Yerevan, when they refuse to talk to him and even accuse him of handing over Artsakh and unconditionally fulfilling the demands of the Turks, they express their attitude towards him, not Avinyan, who is the leader of that government. is just an ordinary actor.
The shocking thing is that Pashinyan, understanding and realizing the real attitude of the Armenian society towards him and his government, continues to cling to the government, realizing that people have no other feelings towards him except hatred and loathing, he orders, that governors and mayors spend several thousand drams and stage a warm reception for him. Being rejected by the decent and conscious part of the society, he can be happy that the classless lumpen still declares himself a savior, because those people came to his village and earned several thousand drams, saved themselves from the danger of starvation for a few days, appeared in H1- on the air and they felt a little human.
Artsakh Republic President Arayik Harutyunyan, whose responsibility in the 44-day war and defeat is incomparable with Pashinyan’s responsibility, because Armenia lost the war against Azerbaijan, losing Artsakh, announced his resignation. No matter how unacceptable many people consider that step, Araik Harutyunyan realized that he has lost public trust, that the people of Artsakh no longer believe and trust him, and it is not possible to govern under these conditions. Pashinyan’s level of public trust is incomparably lower than that of Harutyunyan, the public hatred towards him is immeasurable, because if Harutyunyan is accused of being unable to find a way out of the situation, then Pashinyan is surrendering the state interests of Armenia, turning Armenia into a part of the Turkish world.
While justifying the necessity of his resignation, Harutyunyan said that Artsakh needs “change of approaches and steps, need to show flexibility, change of main actors”, something that Armenia needs more than anything. Araik Harutyunyan’s resignation should be followed by Pashinyan’s resignation or dismissal.
Avetis Babajanyan
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