No information, disinformation, poisoning minds, teaching of hatred of the other, even in schools, that is the reality of the field experienced by the people in eastern Turkey, and more particularly to Nusabyn, a city Mardin near the Turkish-Syrian border. This is what we wrote a civilian eyewitness on site where terror reigns.
Separated, for 2 years, with a son barbed wire network, the Syrian and Turkish Kurdistan, “wall of shame” (…)
Separated, for 2 years, with a son barbed wire network, the Syrian and Turkish Kurdistan, “wall of shame” (…)
The testimony from a personality such that Ms. Gültan Kisanak can not be doubted. The activist of the first hour for a political solution to the Kurdish question, successively Diyarbakir MP, Co-Chair of the BDP (Party for Peace and Democracy) and now co-mayor of the metropolitan city of Diyarbakir and co President of GABB (Union of Municipalities of southeastern Anatolia) denounces with his usual frankness, in a pathetic appeal to international solidarity, the intolerable situation in which there is the population of Diyarbakir and other towns in the Kurdish region of Turkey.
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