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“The Order for International Recognition of Artsakh” Scientific Conference Co-organizers

We, with the blessing of Mother Ator Surb Echmiadzin 2023 Co-organizers of the scientific conference “Order for international recognition of the Republic of Artsakh” held in Yerevan on February 24 and 25, taking the basis of the ideas, arguments and scientific justifications found in the academic reports and practical speeches of the conference, record.
• Artsakh has never been part of independent Azerbaijan, more: Artsakh’s Republic is an established state. Historically, Nagorno-Karabakh has been an Armenian territory for millennia, and in 1918-20, when Azerbaijan first showed its narratives towards the territory of Nagorno-Qarabakh, it was unambiguously recognized in all international reports as an Armenian inhabited territory, and only after the adoption of Soviet ordinances, the internal administrative division joined Soviet Azerbaijan, even under these conditions with autonomous province status. Artsakh’s Soviet laws based on independence complied with the norms of international law, granting people equal right to self-determination. Artsakh’s the actual foundations of independence were not only Artsakh’s ethnic, territorial, social al-cultural, economic, historical independence, other first of all the existential need for its people not to be genocide by Azerbaijan. The international community has never expressed a legal and political position that Artsakh should be included in Azerbaijan and 2007 Proposed by OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and 2009 Armenia and Azerbaijan have adopted the Madrid Principles, which, along with the principle of territorial integrity, establishes the right to self-determination as a basis for negotiation. Artsakh’s
• Considering the issue of Artsakh’s outside the package of Armenian existential issues is unacceptable. Recognizing Artsakh as a part of Azerbaijan, especially booking it with a legal document, refusing the struggle for realization of the right to self-determination will not guarantee the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia and the physical security of the population of the Republic of the Republic of Armenians, but the exact opposite will become Armenian Yes to the destruction of statehood, of the Armenian people The next tragic milestone that gives a turbulence to the genocide process, as Azerbaijan does not hide its genocidal narratives not only towards Artsakh’s but also towards the Republic of Armenia, and with its many hateful actions and rhetoric denies the Armenian people the very right to exist in their own historic homeland.
• Artsakh’s Political, diplomatic mechanisms and opportunities for international recognition of the Republic are not exhausted at all. From a legal point of view, the claims made by the government propaganda machine, as if since independence, are bankrupt since 1991 According to the Dec. 21, Alma-Ata proclamation, Armenia has recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, including Artsakh as a part of the latter. Similarly false and baseless are the claims that the international community sees Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan. The international community does not rush us to sign such a “peace treaty” with Azerbaijan, which will be followed by a new aggression The angels, the angels, the people, are the ones who are the ones who can’t stand it reparations of indescribable volume, the price of which must be paid by the whole Armenian people, and the result of which will result in the loss of the sovereignty of the Republic of Armenia and actual destruction. Although the Minsk Group co-president states have serious geopolitical differences, however, in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, to this day, they maintain the general, international law principles ts a balanced position, and co president all three states in 2020 After 44-day war, a clear position announced that Artsakh’s status issue is not closed. The announcements by many states and international institutions on the blockage of Berdzor corridor also prove that it is perceptible to the international community that Artsakh’s self-determination is not at all a matter of seclusion. It varies from time to time in different civilized countries timely national right to self-determination initiatives this is the only realistic way to prevent physical survival, genocide. All the negotiation conditions presented by the Republic of Armenia will be acceptable and understandable for international actors (Shushi, Hadrut, Artsakh’s De-occupation of other areas of the Republic, return of refugees, restoration of the existing mediator format or creation of a new format, 2020 Azerbaijan’s commitments undertaken by the November 9 announcement, which will neutralize the negotiation process with a new capitulation act to stop Azerbaijan’s narratives. The Republic of Armenia also has the opportunity to bring Azerbaijan to account in a number of cases in international judicial instances for military, genocide and other humanitarian crimes. By this to strengthen their own negotiating positions. Armenian diaspora today also has great lobbying opportunities, but the direction of the acting authorities of the Republic of Armenia contradicts also the continuous logic of the activities of the diaspora Armenian institutions and deprives them of their necessary effectiveness, as well as causes disruptions in the centers of foreign diplomatic decision-making in understanding the joint Armenian position.
• Artsakh’s Supporting the international recognition of the Republic with the prospect of reuniting with the Republic of Armenia is the constitutional duty of the authorities of the Republic of Armenia. It comes from the Declaration of Independence of the Republic and the Constitution. Actually refusal of this constitutional duty is not only illegal, but also a betrayal to the life interests of the Armenian people and inevitable will again lead to legal and political of responsibility.
• Artsakh’s The struggle for international recognition of the Republic is the key mission of the Armenian people. This struggle must get a new breath, be taken out of the logic of domestic political conflicts and geopolitical preferences. The indifference shown by a significant part of the young generation today Artsakh’s fate must also be overcome, it must immediately be tied to civic responsibility tyan and her husband with the ordinance for having a viable homeland. Both the co-organizers and all the institutions that share their ideas have a direct responsibility to restore the determination of our youth in bringing the national liberation struggle to a logical end and are committed to doing their utmost to engage our youth in that struggle.
Based on the above:
• We are determined to by all means to hold back the acting authorities of the Republic of Armenia from the illegal and destructive policy conducted in Artsakh’s
• We demand the acting authorities of Armenia to clearly refuse to sign any document on recognizing Artsakh as a part of Azerbaijan in any way,
• in this regard, we expect the support of all our compatriots and organizations concerned with the fate of our homeland, and call on all public and political forces of Armenia, Artsakh’s and the Armenian diaspora to form a united front Artsakh’s around the agenda of international recognition of the Republic.
The movement of “togetherness”
“5165 movement”
“Arar” foundation
“Genesis Armenia” brain center-foundation
“Alternative Projects” group
Armenian association of politicians
Conceptual platform project
Gyumri “National Value Club” · ·