As you know, members of the National-Democratic Pole (NDP) Council in the USA, Jirayr Sefilyan and Ara Papyan, are holding meetings with current and former US officials and representatives of the Armenian community,

with the aim of strengthening NDP ties with the mentioned circles. In order to organize the meetings with American official circles, NDB has involved the famous Livingston Group as a specialized mediator of state public relations and communication. Taking advantage of the transparency provided by the legislation regulating lobbying activities in the USA, a certain group of Diaspora Armenians is trying to discredit the cooperation between the NDB and the Livingstone Group, presenting the latter as a pro-Turkish organization. In all of this, they allegedly rely on the fact that it provided public relations and communications brokerage services to the governments of Turkey (until 2008) and Azerbaijan (until 2009). It should be noted that there is not a single large lobbying organization in Washington that does not represent Turkey or Azerbaijan. The latter have worked with all well-known American mediation organizations, including the Livingstone Group. It is also necessary to mention that in fact, in 2020, the Livingstone Group refused to sign the contract offered to them by Azerbaijan during the 44-day war. The cooperation of the Livingstone Group with the NDB is managed by Elias Gerasolis, a well-known Greek lobbyist in Washington, formerly director of legislative affairs at the American Hellenic Institute, and the Livingstone Group represented and represents Greek interests as well. NDB is honored to be represented in Washington by such a prestigious organization as the Livingstone Group, one of the best in its field, to advance the important agenda of strengthening US-RA relations. Instead of spreading conscious misinformation, we advise the well-known circle of diaspora to think about their activities aimed at distracting our public from the most important agenda of restoring the sovereignty of the Republic of Armenia (including Artsakh) and strengthening security and directed by the Kremlin for decades. People who live in “glass houses” should not throw “stones”. Council of the National-Democratic Pole, 15. 04. 2023 c. Yerevan Write to Vahe Gasparyan: