Vakhtang Siradeghyan
Nature (or God) has blessed the planet Earth with many species belonging to the feline family of mammals. From cuddly cats to fierce tigers and mighty lions.

The one we will talk about in this article is a real cat outside, but I strongly doubt that he is a tiger or a lion inside our country. Because a tiger or a lion is powerful by itself and not by being surrounded by tens or hundreds of bodyguards. One’s being a tiger and another’s being a lion is determined by the genetic system and their personal characteristics. The person who today represents Armenia abroad does not have the characteristics of either the first or the second of the mentioned animals. At one time, he used to put a cap on his head with “duh” in order to gain courage from it and at the same time to convince the naive people that he is exactly who he is. But it passed
Two years ago, if I am not mistaken, a certain political scientist who also provides knowledge to students said that it is better to be a Turk’s dog than a Russian agent. I will not name him because he is also a party figure, and for them, according to Winston Churchill, the only negative publicity is the news of death, because even the most serious negative news serves to increase their recognition. Back to the idea of preferring to be a Turk’s dog.
Naturally, this is absolutely unacceptable, but it is a revealing truth of the nature of the current government. At one time, the person who held on to the position of RA Prime Minister accused his predecessors of licking the shoes of the Russian, without realizing that very soon this phenomenon would be cemented to his name. True, in that case, not Russian shoes will serve as an object of licking, but Turkish “skins” of Western production.
By the way, unlike the Turks, the Russian side, even calling our country a Russian outpost, never demanded to lick its paws. And the Turks, speaking about Armenian interests, demand to treat both themselves and Azerbaijanis as slaves. A nation whose literate representatives once cried from poverty when interacting with Armenian experts. And the fact that the Turks had to act like that comes from the desire of some to be their dog. What is fixed today by the current government? After all, what does a dog do but lick its owner’s feet, or for that matter, its paws?
In general, any idea thrown out there can develop if it doesn’t die out immediately. The idea of shoe licking also had a similar development. two days ago it changed to “trying the tarmac and licking the curb”. Or forcing them to do those actions. And like the previous one, these two were aimed at Nicole’s opponents. What is surprising is not that vocabulary, but the fact that quite a long time had passed since the first expression, and the person clinging to the post of prime minister was not developing public self-expression. Which may indicate a lack of stagnation of mind, throwing his reputation. But he proved it’s too early to consign him to the archives in that regard. And, despite his opponents, he remained at his “height” again.
He was apparently surprised that he was being accused of using administrative resources to restore former customs. And answering that accusation, he spoke his historical short monologue. “Whoever came with an administrative resource, please go. Because it is a dishonor for us. Coming and bringing with an administrative resource is disrespectful to both the person coming and the bringer. We will not submit to that disgrace.”
Of course, he was not attentive enough to notice, or he had no information, that people were brought to Yerevan by buses, even in this case non-voters were brought. And people had to stay until the end in order to return to their homes and neighborhoods with them. But it was not, of course, a significant omission, what was important was the spirit of his speech. I think that a similar phenomenon (emotionally and substantively) can be recorded in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.
Before the 44-day war and the shameful defeat under Nikol’s “chief command”, the idea of establishing a museum of the revolution was circulated. Still in the euphoria of the seizure of power, they tried to connect it with the nonsense called Citizen’s Day. Anyway, it passed, but I think that the museum should definitely be created. This will happen, naturally, after removing the “velvet, non-violent, and peaceful” revolutionaries from power. That museum should show schoolchildren what a bad thing the phenomenon called revolution is. Above the entrance of the museum should be written the phrase “We are neither Russian agents nor Turkish dogs”. Another room of the museum should depict the Armenian disgrace, the open-air museum of post-war Baku. It must be done so that our generations never repeat it.
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