As of 10 a.m. Friday, 88,780 forcibly displaced persons have entered Armenia from Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Nazeli Baghdasaryan, press secretary of the Armenian prime minister, informed about this during the press conference presenting the activities of the respective humanitarian centers that has been set up.

“It can be seen from the numeric dynamics that a certain lack of intensity [of the aforesaid displaced persons’ entering Armenia] is felt. As of 06:00, that number was 84,770, and as of 08:00—86,560,” said Baghdasaryan.
She added that 18,756 vehicles crossed the Hakari bridge—to enter Armenia from Artsakh—as of 10am Friday.
Baghdasaryan informed that the buses sent by Yerevan Municipality, and which had left for Artsakh capital Stepanakert Thursday evening, transported about 2,000 forcibly displaced persons from there to Goris, Armenia.
The spokesperson of the Armenian PM said that those buses will leave for Stepanakert again, and they will provide transportation until the last person who expressed a wish to come to Armenia.
Baghdasaryan emphasized that as of now, 63,483 people have been registered in the humanitarian centers in Goris and Vayk cities of Armenia.
Also, she presented how many people made use of the accommodations offered by the Armenian state.
“Last night we had an indicator of 17,153, as of now it is 20,306. Everyone who crosses the Hakari Bridge is offered accommodation. I want to present what indicators we have in the provinces. Aragatsotn Province: 972, Ararat Province: 4,658, Armavir Province: 1,772, Gegharkunik: 1,935, Lori: 921, Kotayk: 4,622, Shirak Province: 900, Syunik: 2,040, Vayots Dzor: 1,370, Tavush: 1,116,” Nazeli Baghdasaryan said.