How many prime ministers are left?

Really, dear reader of “Hraparak”, are you not interested in how many prime ministers are left in our country? You remember, don’t you, that in the spring of 2018, according to the self-proclaimed “prime minister” Nikol, their number was three million. Then there was covid in Armenia under Nikol’s prime ministership. Well, it happened in the world, but I don’t really care. I cry the pain of my homeland, which, by and large, the world does not care about. Having not recovered from Covid, we fell into the clutches of the 44-day war under the general command of “Dukhov” Nikol. After somehow getting rid of it with Russian help, we fell into the clutches of the leader of the enemy country. And we still continue to dig in them.
As a result of all that, many Prime Ministers left their lives or the country without becoming proper Prime Ministers. Then the number of Prime Ministers was gradually reduced at the expense of the parents of the fallen soldiers. I forgot to say that a few tens of thousands out of 3 million were “wrong” Prime Ministers from the start, because they were in the opposition. Of course, at first he didn’t pay any attention to them, he was so carried away by the easy and lightning change of power. By the way, after the next change of power, it will surely become clear what happened in 2018. It is said that the underwater part of an iceberg makes up 90 percent of its mass. And now imagine the spring events of 2018 in the form of an iceberg and you will understand what is yet to be revealed…
We should also remove 11 thousand people from 3 million, because according to both Ilham and Anna Hakobyan, they were defectors. And such persons, understandably, cannot be placed in the ranks of Prime Ministers. Yes, I forgot to say that we should also exclude more than 300,000 RA citizens, because they voted for the opposition political forces in 2021. And, as we already know, according to the “friend of my enemy is my enemy” principle, they were excluded from that list. Those people (including the author of my lines) simultaneously consider Azerbaijanis and Turks as enemies. And those gossiping peoples, as is known, are no longer enemies of the “chief prime minister” personally and, accordingly, they cannot have a place in that list again.
And what about the 688,000 voters who voted for Nikol in 2021 or the half million to one million who didn’t go to the polls at all, the reader will ask. Do they remain on the Prime Minister’s list? I think some of them are already disappointed with reality. And he hardly wants to be the prime minister in today’s Armenia. It is difficult for me to estimate how many there are. It is necessary to conduct a special study to find out. But I am sure that in addition to those in power and their family members, there will still be indomitable Nicholas worshipers who can “decorate” that prime ministerial list. And it seems that at least half a million prime ministers still remain on the list. Or so many people who fit into the definition of “Nicolism”.
In fact, no matter how surprising it may seem in terms of the questioning of the title, there is only one prime minister in Armenia, and that is Nikol. And only one family of the Prime Minister – Nikol’s family. The members of which will be “worthy” to continue the nation-destructive tradition of “Nicolism”. So, in order to free Armenia from the clutches of “Nikolism”, it is not necessary to go after one and a half million people, but it is necessary to remove only one person from power. After freeing the government from “Nicolism”, we will be able to free Armenia and Armenians in general.
Vakhtang Siradeghyan