Why do they leave the homeland, especially through such “dangerous roads”? Almost everyone gives the same answer to the question: there is no future with Nikol in Armenia.
People just run away from Armenia to the United States. Due to the difficulties of traveling to that country (remember the last rally of those who wanted to emigrate in front of the US Embassy in Armenia), people found a new way of escape, bypassing US law, quite expensive and at the same time extremely dangerous. The “road map” is as follows: people travel en masse to Mexico, from where Mexican mediators smuggle them into the United States. Yerkir.am found out some details.
Thus, travelers, through their relatives in the United States or those who have already traveled that way, find out in advance what to do in Mexico, where to go, and who to turn to. The next step is to travel to Mexico, where,’s so-called “immigrant camp”, and after spending some time right next to the Mexico-US border, Armenian immigrants cross the US border illegally with the help of Mexican mediators. Mediation is paid to Mexicans, depending on the circumstances, etc.
Moreover, the amount of the fee greatly affects the “terms and quality” of entering the United States. Ashkhen, who moved to the United States (name has been changed), said that the amount of payment varies from 25-40 thousand for each person, and there are cases up to 50-60 thousand US dollars. Those who can afford to pay more go to easier places and wait for less, for example, for a few days.
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And those who do not have the opportunity – for example, pay 25 thousand dollars, “have to wait for weeks, even months in Mexico,” to go through terrible conditions. In such cases, for example, Mexican mediators accompany a convenient place, offering to cross the US border through forests or bushes. Naturally, in such cases, Armenian border trespassers can even be shot, and arrests have been registered, in connection with which criminal cases are being investigated in the United States. But even that does not stop people who are just fleeing from Nikol’s “free and happy” Armenia.
The timing and routes of illegal entry into the United States from Mexico depend on the agility of the Mexican mediators. Srbuhi (name has been changed), who worked in one of Yerevan’s beauty salons, stated that if you are lucky, you fell in love with a good Mexican, you will have a good time, you will not wait, and if not, you will have to wait a long time. There are cases of fraud, for example, Mexicans take a lot of money for the promise of fast quality, but then it turns out that in that case, you will have to wait a long time to cross the US border with great difficulties, like low-paying people. Of course, few can afford to pay that much, plus travel expenses, paperwork for a Mexican visa, “waiting fees” in Mexico, etc., which add up to a considerable amount.
“In such cases, either the relatives of the emigrants from Armenia, living in the USA, rush to the rescue, or, which happens more often, people just sell all the real estate, property, and invest almost all the money in that business,” he said. Referring to the issue, the representative of one of the Armenian travel companies mentioned in a conversation with us. From our conversations with the representatives of the sphere, it turned out that the number of Armenian citizens applying for Mexican visas is growing (they apply for a visa at the Mexican Embassy in Armenia, which is located in Moscow).
Arriving in the United States, or rather penetrating the United States, those fleeing Armenia naturally have no status, as they are simple border trespassers, and their presence is not legally enshrined in the United States. They have to live in secret for years, wait until they get a residence permit with some eggs, and so on. Illegal Armenian immigrants to the United States work mainly with the help of relatives. Srbuhi, for example, mentioned that she already works in her profession. Moreover, he stated that one of the reasons for his emigration to the United States is that mainly during the last year, his best clients moved to the United States, who urged Srbuhi to come to the United States, promising that they would continue to use her quality there. services: Why do they leave the homeland, especially through such “dangerous roads”? Almost everyone gives the same answer to the question: there is no future for Nikol in Armenia.
V. Sargsyan
Source: https://yerkir.am/news/view/259804.html?fbclid=IwAR0scQtIDI5VoOLTpqGJiknti09IYveHoID4A9ZtHc4KS9o5TMe4zdzQy-s