At Thursday’s Cabinet meeting, the government made a decision to appoint Special Investigation Service chief Sasun Khachatryan as Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee of Armenia.
The matter was presented by Arayik Harutyunyan, the Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister, noting that this is an important step towards the implementation of anticorruption policy in Armenia. He reminded that three persons had applied for the respective competition, the latter was held on September 10, and Khachatryan had scored the most points.
In his turn, Sasun Khachatryan noted that the Anti-Corruption Committee will be a specialized investigative body which will also have operative and intelligence functions.
“The specialization will lead to increased efficiency. The institution will start operating in a maximum of one month and six days. It will not be fully operational until that period, only 20 investigators will be appointed, and will start operating in full from the beginning of next year. It is planned to also create [its] territorial bodies next year,” he added.