Armenian national committee of America has demanded the blacklisted of Pakistan. but the financial action task force(FATF). The association wants Pakistan on FATF’s blacklist for financing terrorists in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. The
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Pakistan has been a failed state since day one. Even its partner–East Pakistan–fled from it and declared itself Bangladesh. Pakistan (supposedly ‘Paki’ means pure in Urdu) is a cesspool of racism, corruption, military dictatorship, the assassination, obscurantism, violence, religious intolerance of Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Ismailis, etc.)., and honor killings. If you want to imagine hell, think of Pakistan. Islamabad/Lahore /Rawalpindi decide foreign policy according to religious associations. Thus, when Azerbaijan/Turkey invaded Armenia, it’s Armenia’s fault because Armenians are Christian and the Azeris/Turks are Muslim. Pakistan doesn’t recognize Armenia. Ten million Armenians around the world have trouble sleeping because the revolting country doesn’t recognize Armenia.