hetq.am Aparan community leader Karen Yeghiazaryan and his family members are involved in the “illegal property” case. The head of the community, his wife, and his mother were invited to the Department of Illegal Property Confiscation of the General Prosecutor’s Office. A study is being conducted regarding the property they own. Until August 18, they should appear at the prosecutor’s office to familiarize themselves with the case materials and present a position.
Karen Yeghiazaryan in 2017 was elected to the post of Aparan community head, re-elected in 2021. on December 5. 2012-2015 was the organizer of garbage collection in Aparan municipality. According to biographical information, he is non-partisan.
Karen Yeghiazaryan was the owner of “Gntunik” LLC. The company was founded in 2005. But in 2023 on April 12, his mother, Liana Yeghiazaryan, became the sole owner of the company. 2020 since September, individual entrepreneur Liana Yeghiazaryan was also the trust manager of “Gntuniq”. His son entrusted him with the management of the company, as the latter could not manage the company personally. It is obvious that it was more of a formality, because before that, the fiduciary administrator was the father of the community head.
A few days ago, on August 9, through the enforcement service, Liana Yeghiazaryan was forbidden “to perform any action related to the management of 100% of the shares in the company”.
The mayor of Aparan is now a defendant. In particular, Karen Yeghiazaryan’s case of engaging in illegal business activities has been under investigation in the court of general jurisdiction of Aragatsotn region for 3 years now.
4 persons were charged with abuse in Aparan municipality
Karen Yeghiazaryan was charged with the fact that, being the head of the Aparan community, an official, constantly performing organizational-managerial and administrative-economic functions, he illegally participated in entrepreneurial activities, due to selfish and other personal interests, with the help of other persons, and abused his official position. using his powers, his official position, embezzled significant amounts of property entrusted to him, and also committed official forgeries.
It should be noted that at this stage the prosecutor’s office does not publish the list of property subject to confiscation, taking into account the fact that this list may be changed after explanations or presented evidence.
Property of Karen Yeghiazaryan
Karen Yeghiazaryan is an official submitting a declaration of assets, income, expenses and interests. 2022 submitted to the Corruption Prevention Commission. according to the annual declaration, the mayor of Aparan owns 11 units of real estate, 10 of which he has exclusive ownership rights to. He owns houses, buildings and plots of land both in Aparan community and in Yerevan.
In addition, he declared two cars: “FORD” 1998. production truck and 1997 production passenger car “VOLKSWAGEN”.
As for money, K. Yeghiazaryan in 2022 he had about 37 million drams and 468 thousand cash in his last bank accounts. AMD
The income of the given year was 3 million 359 thousand received from the municipality. AMD salary and loans received from “Akba Bank” – 2 million 293 thousand. AMD and 24 thousand. 128 euros. In 2022, only 17 million 469 thousand. made expenses aimed at repaying loans in the amount of drams.
According to the woman’s statement, in 2022 had 5 million 517 thousand. deposit in the amount of drams. He had about 255 thousand in his bank accounts. AMD, and 150 thousand in cash. AMD
The only income of the year was the interest received on the deposit, about 49 thousand. AMD