The “bespredel” of Nikol Pashinyan and his team continues to reach new heights, despite the fact that when they came to power, they promised that there would be no privileged people in the new Armenia. Life has shown the opposite,

in New Armenia “bespredel” is not only flourishing and developing, but under the patronage of Pashinyan, the participants of that “bespredel” are sometimes appointed to high positions, such as the case of the former governor of Vayots Dzor, Trdat Sargsyan, who was removed from the governorship after being brutally beaten by lieutenant colonel Ara Mkhitaryan. from the post, brought to the National Assembly.
Yesterday, another noisy incident was registered with the participation of another government official. Suren Torosyan, a close friend of Talin community leader Tavros Sapeyan, who after Sapeyan’s election was appointed the head of the Water Users’ Company of the enlarged community Aragatsavan administrative district, beat up Armen Sahakyan, a 24-year-old resident of the same community, suffering from epilepsy. During an argument that arose for unknown reasons, the official of the municipality first blew gas in the young man’s eyes, then hit him with a baton on the head and other parts of the body. The young man was sent home after being treated at the Tallinn Medical Center, two stitches were placed on the laceration in the head area. The victim contacted the police, but the official came to the attention of law enforcement only after when dozens of residents of Aragatsavan closed the interstate highway, then surrounded the house of Suren Torosyan, known by the nickname “Pchan Suro”. The latter was arrested late in the evening, a criminal case has been initiated under the first point of Article 195 of the Criminal Code, that is “Inflicting blows or committing other violent acts”, which is punishable by a fine of up to twenty times, or public works of 80-150 hours. , or with restriction of freedom for a maximum period of one year, or short-term imprisonment for a maximum period of one month.
It is not enough to say that Suren Torosyan is a member of the Communist Party, Tavros Sapeyan’s close friend took an active part in the revolution and received his salary by first working in the JOE as an ordinary employee, and was appointed the head of the JOE after Sapeyan was elected. Torosyan, who does not have a higher education, has always been distinguished by his aggressive behavior in the village, he was engaged in cattle breeding in the past. Administrative head Artur Nazaryan told us that he grazed their and the village’s cattle. After the revolution, he actively engaged in “loris” by giving work. one of the residents of the community told us that he walked around the community and neighboring communities for 24 hours, photographed the smallest incidents and filed a case with the police. Instead, he remained unpunished, despite the fact that he even personally made public confessions about his heroism. For example, weeks before the last incident, it turns out A 7-year-old minor boy of a family displaced from Artsakh and resettled in Aragatsavan was abused. Of course, not physical violence, but he left the 7-year-old child in the “choli” and left, proudly telling about it. After the incident the day before, that video was spread on the Internet, in which Suren Torosyan presented how some time ago he picked up a 7-year-old child from the road to take him to a place, but when he found out that the boy is from Artsakh and blames these authorities, his homeland in order to lose, he stopped and took the child out of the car, according to his description, “in the heat”. “He said I was from Karabakh. I asked if you came soon, he said, “the traitor Nikol gave the lands, and now Yerevan is going to give them away.” not physical violence, but he left the 7-year-old child in the “choli” and left, proudly telling about it. After the incident the day before, that video was spread on the Internet, in which Suren Torosyan presented how some time ago he picked up a 7-year-old child from the road to take him to a place, but when he found out that the boy is from Artsakh and blames these authorities, his homeland in order to lose, he stopped and took the child out of the car, according to his description, “in the heat”. “He said I was from Karabakh. I asked if you came soon, he said, “the traitor Nikol gave the lands, and now Yerevan is going to give them away.” not physical violence, but he left the 7-year-old child in the “choli” and left, proudly telling about it. After the incident the day before, that video was spread on the Internet, in which Suren Torosyan presented how some time ago he picked up a 7-year-old child from the road to take him to a place, but when he found out that the boy is from Artsakh and blames these authorities, his homeland in order to lose, he stopped and took the child out of the car, according to his description, “in the heat”. “He said I was from Karabakh. I asked if you came soon, he said, “the traitor Nikol gave the lands, and now Yerevan is going to give them away.” how some time ago he picked up a 7-year-old child from the road to take him to a place, but when he found out that the boy is from Artsakh and blames these authorities for losing his homeland, he stopped and took the child out of the car. in cholera.” “He said I was from Karabakh. I asked if you came soon, he said, “the traitor Nikol gave the lands, and now Yerevan is going to give them away.” how some time ago he picked up a 7-year-old child from the road to take him to a place, but when he found out that the boy is from Artsakh and blames these authorities for losing his homeland, he stopped and took the child out of the car. in cholera.” “He said I was from Karabakh. I asked if you came soon, he said, “the traitor Nikol gave the lands, and now Yerevan is going to give them away.”
And the family of the given child is in the state business, they work in the community hall. We will throw such types of “falsies” out of the system. I was surprised that a 7-year-old child was talking like that, I stood up, opened the door and told him to get down and go to the Choles,” said Suren Torosyan. CP-Akan is also remembered after the war, from the demonstrations organized in the Republic Square in support of Pashinyan, Pchan Suro presented heroic stories about how they fought in Artsakh, and then threatened those who demanded the resignation of the prime minister.
We asked Aragatsavan community head Artur Nazaryan yesterday if it is true that Torosyan always stood out for his aggressive behavior in the village, but he avoided saying, he only mentioned that he is young, like all young people. “Don’t ask me questions, I won’t be able to answer your questions.” Then he presented sharply. “Jahel is young, grew up in Aragatsavan, engaged in cattle breeding, kept cattle in his barn, took the people’s cattle to the pasture, cultivated gardens.”
The governor of Aragatsotn, Sergey Movsisyan, does not have an assessment of what happened, he says he will wait for the investigation by the law enforcement officers. To our question, whether the incident does not indicate “bespredel”, when an official representing the government uses violence, expecting to go unpunished, Movsisyan gave a brilliant answer that Torosyan cannot be called an official. “He is not the official you imagine, he is just the head of the JOE, Aragatsavani. Both are citizens, I cannot give an assessment for that, whoever is guilty should be punished. I don’t know why it spread like this, because there is no serious incident, similar things happen in all marzes and villages.” The governor responded to the reminder that the victim had a laceration in the head area and was stitched up. What could be more serious than that? “I know there were mutual blows,” and added that he was not interested in the victim’s health condition. “It was hard,
We noticed that the residents of the community do not block the street during ordinary disputes, which means that Torosyan always stood out in this way, becoming a scourge for fellow villagers. “To tell the truth, we will definitely ensure the demand of the residents of the community to get a fair legal solution, but there is another thing, that the head of the community, Suren, was offered a bribe by some people, but they did not take it and report it to the police, I guess that there can be people’s supporters, I don’t want to accuse, but I assume.
Ani Arakelyan