Glendale City Council Member Ara Najarian was elected the City’s mayor on Tuesday, myglendalecitynews.org reported.
Glendale, CA – On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, Glendale City Council Member Ara Najarian was selected as the City’s mayor by fellow council members. Najarian takes over the position from outgoing Mayor Zareh Sinanyan. This is Najarian’s fourth time serving in the position of mayor.
Najarian was first elected to office in April 2005. During his tenure, he has served as Chair of the Glendale Housing Authority, and the former Glendale Redevelopment Agency.
“I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to serve as Mayor,” said Mayor Najarian. “I look forward to working closely with my Council colleagues and staff to keep Glendale the special place that it is.”
In addition to serving on the City Council, Najarian is past chair and a current member of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) Board of Directors, and a vice-chair of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (Metrolink) Board of Directors. He is also past chair and a member of the San Fernando Valley Council of Governments and serves as a member of the Southern California Association of Governments Transportation Committee. Najarian previously served as a member of the Glendale Community College Board of Trustees from 2003-2005.
He is an attorney and has a bachelor’s degree in economics from Occidental College and Juris Doctor degree from the University of Southern California. He is married to Palmira Perez-Najarian, and has two adult children, Alexander and Christopher.
Najarian takes over the position after Mayor Zareh Sinanyan. This is Najarian’s fourth time serving as mayor, while he was first elected in April 2005.
“I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to serve as Mayor,” said Mayor Najarian adding: “I look forward to working closely with my Council colleagues and staff to keep Glendale the special place that it is.”