Vakhtang Siradeghyan

Although I have repeatedly said that I will vote for the “Mother Armenia” alliance, I want to understand what the alliance is striving for. No, I know that the leadership of the bloc has set before itself the problem of a complete change of power in the country. And I also know that it can be solved in two ways. Either by winning the election of the capital’s council of elders or through post-election protests. In the first case, constantly creates problems for the person in the position of Prime Minister. And as a result, becoming a victim of another law enforcement illegality. And taking the people to the streets with the halo of the victim. And in the second case, having relevant arguments, to announce the holding of illegal elections. And again by taking the people to the streets and trying to generate a general movement of protest.
Let’s go back to the first version. Since 2009 , when the capital was transformed into a community, the opposition has always failed to transform the election of the Council of Elders into an agenda for the change of power. The reason is more than understandable: there was an attempt to make the election of the Council of Elders a national election level. And the voter of each individual settlement, be it the capital or the second or the last town and village, deals with the issue adequately. In other words, he elects the council of elders and through it the head of the community, so that his household issues are resolved. And that’s when the voter is a little higher than the average citizen. And it is guided by the mentality of solving the problems of the settlement itself. And not with the “advice” of an acquaintance or relative, to put it mildly. Not to mention the tradition of about 20 percent of average voters always being on the side of the current government.
According to that, the questions about whether Artsakh is a part of Azerbaijan or not, which are asked to Avinyan, are out of the electoral context. And, naturally, they are out of the scope of interests of both the populist and ordinary voters. By the same logic, the speech of Andranik Tevanyan, head of the “Mother Armenia” alliance, does not correspond to the given electoral agenda. And if it continues, I am afraid that the opposition bloc will not be able to overcome even the electoral threshold. Which will be a serious blow to the reputation of the opposition. And if at the same time Avinyan also wins the elections (40% plus bonus), then what the opposition fears more will happen; That is, all of us with a sense of patriotism.
In the context of what has been said, as a person with nearly two decades of experience in observing elections, I would advise journalists of non-governmental media to ask Avinyan questions about the election process itself. To find the weak points of Avinyan’s or his predecessor’s management of the city, through which it is possible to impoverish the current government. I don’t think it is possible to find such, and what remains of his predecessor, who is a formal opposition today, then let’s not forget that as mayor he represented the ruling party. The same should naturally be said in terms of the alliance campaign. As it was said in the previous article of the author of my lines ( ), to try to find edges of cooperation “Land of Living” and other oppositional parties. And try to take control of the city from Nicole. And then you can think about state management.