The fountain’s built-in memory of famous Armenian painter Arshile Gorky (Vostanik Manoug Adoian) was damaged by unknown people in the Turkish province of Van, according to the Gazeteduvar website of Turkey.

The municipality of Van’s Edremit district had built this fountain in 2015—and continuing the tradition of respecting the dead and providing water for residents and passers-by.
The four sides of this fountain are decorated with details—in Turkish, Armenian, Kurdish, and English—of Gorky’s life, and with water flowing from each side.
The architects of this monument had built it near the former house of Gorky’s family.
The fountain has been vandalized several times in the past, too.
Over time, the faucets on all four sides were damaged and clogged, and Gorky’s name was scratched.
In the latest vandalism, the signs telling the story of Gorky’s life were removed and disappeared.
When asked why the water from this fountain was cut off, the district administration said that it was due to lack of water, and denied any information about the damage.