40 Armenian prisoners of war and civilians have been convicted on baseless charges in Azerbaijan. The Artsakh Human Rights Defender has published a report
The Office of the Human Rights Defender of the Artsakh Republic has published a report on the trials of Armenian servicemen, civilians, persecuted on false charges, captured by Azerbaijan.
The report provides information on fabricated and illegal trials of Armenian prisoners of war, prisoners of war, which is a gross violation of the Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War and for the Treatment of Prisoners of War. As a result of 45 illegal, groundless and falsified trials, 3 persons (one civilian) were sentenced to 20 years, 2 persons (civilian) to 15 years, 23 persons to 6 years, 2 persons to 4 years, 13 persons to 6 months of imprisonment. The materials of fake criminal cases against 2 Armenian prisoners of war are in the Ganja Serious Crimes Court.
Nish says
No thanks, of course, to Putin who continues to betray Armenia and side with Turkey and Azerbaijan.
It makes me wonder: is Putin part Tartar? Does he somehow identify with Tartars?
I ask because he seems to be very fond of Erdogan and Aliyev.
After all, Russia has a long history of intermixing with invading Mongols.
Well, something strange is going on with Putin and Russia, and we must figure out why Putin has welcomed pan-Turkism into the Caucasus and Caspian.
Look, Russia’s defense minister, Shoygu, has a Tartar father. That’s rather strange too.