By Wally Sarkeesian
This morning, I was pleased to interview Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) Western Region Director Mihran Toumajan, who shed light on the Assembly’s advocacy work in Washington, DC, and, in particular, the significant results of the organization’s 2019 National Advocacy Conference & Gala in DC two weeks ago during which Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, Rep. Jackie Speier, was honored by the Assembly with the Governor George Deukmejian Award for Public Service. Congresswoman Speier has been a persistent, effective champion of the United States-Armenia relationship for decades, and her leadership has been critical in forging ever-stronger ties between the governments and people of the United States and Armenia.
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Over 80 Armenian Assembly of America activists and volunteer State Chairs, spanning 15 states plus the District of Columbia, advocated for stronger U.S.-Armenia and U.S.-Artsakh relations, and for congressional recognition of and restorative justice for the Armenian Genocide during two days of meetings with Members and staff of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives on Capitol Hill — over 120 meetings in total. As an immediate result of the Hill meetings, two Republican Members of the Arizona congressional delegation — Representatives David Schweikert and Paul Gosar — joined the Congressional Armenian Caucus. More information about the Assembly’s advocacy work and its flagship summer internship programs in DC and in Armenia for college students are available at: www.aaainc.org.
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