Daniel Ioannisyan, who is in charge of the constitutional reform process of Pashinyan’s government, referring to the statement of the Artsakh Foreign Ministry of June 16, says:

“Of course, it is very easy to say: ‘Azerbaijan is bad, we will not negotiate with it.’ What about later? It’s obvious, isn’t it, that if Stepanakert refuses to talk to Baku, it legitimizes the use of force by Azerbaijan.”
What Pashinyan’s government wants is for the people of Artsakh to agree to Aliyev’s demand to “dialogue”, renounce their national identity, renounce the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia and accept the citizenship of Azerbaijan, freeing Pashinyan from that headache, and allowing those who feed from the government’s feeding trough to calmly and undisturbedly digest their food. “It is clear that the Baku-Stepanakert dialogue is openly opposed in Moscow (they don’t even hide it). But will the Russian peacekeeping forces intervene if Azerbaijan uses force?” asks Daniel Ioannisyan. And why doesn’t he or anyone ask Pashinyan whether Armenia will intervene if Azerbaijan decides to commit genocide in Artsakh?
Pashinyan’s speech at the session of the NA investigative committee and the statements of his entourage are aimed at one thing. Let the people of Artsakh have no expectations from Armenia and the Armenian authorities. In his speech, Pashinyan said that during the war, he appealed to the Russian president that Russia put flags on the borders of Armenia and stop Russian troops so that Azerbaijan does not cross the border of Armenia. What Pashinyan said has nothing to do with the events of 2020, he is talking about it now to make it clear that if Armenia is not able to ensure its security, is not able to protect its borders, how will it protect Artsakh?
Developing this topic and presenting the interests of his “trustee”, the same Ioannisyan writes: “It is clear that Armenia should provide maximum support to protect the rights of the Armenians of Artsakh. But what is Stepanakert’s idea of doing this? Apart from unrealistic and science fiction approaches, what solution do they see in official Stepanakert?” The expectation of military intervention by Armenia is unrealistic and science fiction. And maybe Ioannisyan will explain what he means by “maximum support”, is writing a letter to several countries and talking to him/her on the phone considered maximum support?
In 1988, when demonstrations demanding reunification began in Stepanakert, parallel rallies took place in Armenia as well. The Armenian people, the Armenian national movement, as the leading force of the national movement, announced that Armenia will not leave the people of Artsakh alone. Armenia and Armenians mobilized their human, financial and military resources to protect Artsakh Armenians, which was crowned with success and victory. After 35 years, Ioannisyan and Pashinyan tell the people of Artsakh that you rebelled against the Azerbaijani tyranny in vain and you hoped in vain for the support of Armenia, in Armenia there is now a government that is not interested in anything else, except for the security of the government and its lawyers, go and accept again Azerbaijani subjugation or do whatever you want, but don’t bother us.
In fact, Pashinyan understands that it is not so easy to get rid of the responsibility for the fate of Artsakh Armenians. It will not be possible to tell him, you have two ways out. either let the Russians protect you, but that protection is not reliable either, or you have to put up with the idea of accepting Azeri subjection and consider that we have washed our hands of Artsakh. Azerbaijan is now working to capture impregnable fortresses with the option tried for centuries. first to starve the inhabitants of the castle to death, then to attack the castle, in the hope that either there will be traitors in the castle and they will open the gates of the castle, or they will succeed in slaughtering and destroying all the defenders of the castle.
When Azerbaijan starts an attack on Artsakh, there is hope that the Armenian society can really get out of the current state of indifference and complacency and once again realize its responsibility towards the fate of Artsakh and the people of Artsakh. Because if Azerbaijan succeeds in carrying out another genocide, and the Armenian society submits to the Pashinian logic of what can we do, Azerbaijan is stronger, then the responsibility for the genocide will not be only Pashinyan and his entourage, the entire Armenian people will be responsible for it. regardless of his place of residence and position.
Avetis Babajanyan