Nicole, let me ask you a simple question. What would you do if the “ex” took you, your wife, and 4 children out of the house and threw them on the street?

I’m not saying brutally, but calmly, according to the letter of the law, they broke into your house. Human ears probably wouldn’t be able to handle your rant, right? And what is this, you sent a whole police force on people to get them out of their houses? Let the house be a home too… a half-demolished former building of the Ministry of Defense, where people have a certain character, their existence drags them along. Some of those poor people I have talked to say that they put a soft pillow under my head, promise to pay rent and I don’t know what. They are lying, deceiving us to get out… What is this, Nikol, don’t you have any other occupation that you have followed these people? Aren’t they citizens of Armenia, isn’t everyone a prime minister, or don’t they have police, National Security Service and army behind them, you can treat them as you want? You completely forgot the place of your brakes, Mr. Pashinyan. Tomorrow, what, will you come to evict the residents of our building? Did you allow those people to live in the former building of the Ministry of Defense, which you are now removing and putting on the street? There is no humanity in you, I’m telling the truth.
Now listen carefully to what I am saying. drop the stone from your skirt and leave the RA citizens alone. And if you pack your wallet and leave altogether, even better. The example of Georgia is before your eyes. Study carefully. After the Russo-Georgian war, not a single refugee or homeless person has been evicted from their homes. Until now, the successive governments of Georgia have not planned such a monstrous thing as you have planned and are doing. Home, you know, is the last thing that connects a person with his homeland. Take that house away from him, make him homeless, and he will say: spit on you, on the state you lead, and on this country, which is called motherland. You took away the most precious thing from 5 thousand families – the lives of children. Cheated, snorted – I’m not guilty, I’m responsible – flan, fstan. Even that heavy loss was forgiven for you, wretch, murderer, Judas, traitor, capitulator, scoundrel, deceiver, tyrant… of the house, of the hearth,
Is all this being done for the supreme state interest? And do you know what is the supreme interest of the state? It is the security of the state and its citizens, first and foremost. Go get the enemy out of the sovereign territory of our state.
Who are you waiting for? What important things do you have to do? Is it not one of them to throw the residents of the former Ministry of Defense building into the street? Well, it was also very important that your Minister of Economy, you are a boy, go to France to find an organization (can’t even pronounce the name properly), that this organization should come, open a sports base at the head of Aragats and teach Armenians to ski. Whoever you tell, won’t believe it. Didn’t you say we don’t need snow-capped peaks? Have you already understood that snow-covered mountains can be useful, that they are drinking water, pasture, tourism, and finally, they are territory and homeland? Now the prime minister is saying that we don’t need RA citizens, and he is throwing those who are an additional burden to the state with their complaints and demands onto the streets. Meanwhile, the unbearable burden of our state today is the government, that he is not able to solve any problem and is busy devouring the taxes paid by RA citizens and the debts received by foreign financial centers and distributing bonuses. Don’t give your economy minister a bonus for a month to try, see what happens. You came, you take the person out of the house, extinguish the last ray of hope and you still want not to complain?
I wrote so pointlessly… But let’s clarify one more question. Do you think that the RA authorities do not know that evicting the residents of the former building of the Ministry of Defense is a common practice? Of course, they know when they get so many police officers to solve something, then they are doing another scam.
Edik Andreasyan
Ամբողջական հոդվածը կարող եք կարդալ այս հասցեով՝ :,sc
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