Dr. Alon Ben-Meir, Senior Fellow at NYU’s Center for Global Affairs and Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute.”
Topic Iraqi Kurdistan Referendum: GagruleLive on FAcebook
Conversation with “Dr. Alon Ben-Meir, Senior Fellow at NYU’s Center for Global Affairs and Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute.” and Wally Sarkeesian Founder.
Erdogan war drums are beating. The tanks are lined up on the border. The threats are loud and fierce. Economic reprisals are promised. is Erdogan threat series or bluffing?
Alliance in Middle East change by days,
- who will stop Turkey for going into Iraq and annexing Kurdistan?
- why Israel supporting kurd independence while Israel has his own problem with Palestine?
- will Russia and USA eventually recognize Kurdistan?
- will Kurd stop at Iraqi border?
- Have look at Kurdish map expansion they even put claim on the Armenia?
- did Kurd ever had a country or even a kingdom?