Two factors were revealed in our society, which was a revelation to me. I did not believe we could be so tolerant of lies and non-professionalism. The second President of Armenia, Robert Kocharyan, stated this during a talk with his supporters, adding that if this tolerance remains, the Armenian society will never recover.
“The first person of the country [i.e., acting PM Nikol Pashinyan] did not make such a speech, after 15 minutes of which it will not be found out that he deceived again. He still has a large number of supporters; this is not normal. Lying by an official should become a criminally punishable act. To include at least one thing in the Criminal Code that an official, if it is proved that he lied, loses his position and, for example, has no right to hold public office for five years. Such strict methods must be used to get rid of this because in a society where you can lie all the time and it becomes a part of our lives, whereas the first person should serve as an example. The behavior of the first person serves as an example; if that pattern becomes lying, lying in society becomes commonplace; it should not be like that,” Kocharyan said.
Referring to non-professionalism, he noted that it is shocking when a person who has not headed even three people is appointed as a minister. “And you do not see any public outcry; this is not normal; this is its result,” added the ex-President of Armenia.