Dear President Von der Leyen,
We, the women of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) make this appeal to the world and personally to the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

We are starving and freezing before the eyes of the whole world! We are under a blockade by Azerbaijan which is stealing our gas and electricity. This is simply energy terrorism.
Mrs. von der Leyen, last summer you signed an agreement on increasing gas supplies from Azerbaijan to the EU. The children of Europe will not freeze now, while our children cannot attend kindergartens and schools because we have no heating. Our doctors cannot perform operations and save lives. Our population of 120,000 people is held captive by Aliyev.
Azerbaijan, at will, shuts off our gas and our electricity which are supplied by Armenia. Aliyev cuts our pipes and electricity wires.
The Lachin corridor, our only connection to the world, has been blockaded by Azerbaijan since 12 December. Our children have been left without:
- Food
- Electricity
- Heat
- Access to medical supplies and treatment
- Opportunities to study
- And their right to the future and to life.
We can endure a lot for the sake of our children, but we need urgent help, and we need a voice. We will not allow our children to be killed in silence.
We write to you as the most powerful woman in the world but also as a mother who loves her seven children and deeply cherishes her precious family. From the bottom of our hearts, we urge you to stand with the women and children of Artsakh and do everything in your power to prevent Azerbaijan continuing with its cruel blockade.
From the Women of Artsakh