Genocide should be made available to the Turkish youth. Arthur Vardanyan

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A group gathered in the southern province of Kahramanmaraş Dec. 21 to commemorate at least 111 Alevis that were killed by right-wing extremists 36 years ago, but the annual ceremony was the subject of controversy once more as authorities refused to permit outsiders to attend the remembrance.
The chair of the Alevi-Bektashi Federation, Fevzi Gümüş, said the activities for the 36th anniversary of the Maraş incidents were banned and that Alevi citizens coming from other cities were not allowed entry.
This ban was “making the victim a victim again one more time,” Gümüş said, adding that it “embraced and supported the massacre.”
A group of 100 people marching with banners chanting slogans were stopped at the Narlı junction of the Gaziantep highway. They were asked to turn back by gendarmerie and police teams that were reinforced with troops coming from neighboring provinces.
The group did not return but sat down on the highway. Pazarcık District Gov. Mehmet Boztepe and Gendarmerie Cmdr. Col. Coşkun Doğan spoke with demonstrators for a while in an effort to dissuade them from their action.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul deputy Sebahat Tuncel condemned the Maraş incidents and said it was time Turkey was not mentioned in the same breath as massacres.
Meanwhile, some 2,200 police were on duty in the city as part of security measures, while a police helicopter was seen patrolling over the city throughout the day.
Ahead of the anniversary of the massacre, right-wing groups distributed fliers calling for long life to the “Turkish race” and inviting people to come “celebrate” the killings.
On December 11 in Yerevan during the presentation of his book “Armenian Genocide in 1915,” translated from Turkish into Armenian Hasan Cemal, the grandson of Cemal (Cemal) Pasha one of the organizers of the Armenian Genocide was the subject a scandal. The Armenian translator Roupen Melkonian had accused Hasan Cemal for asking -with the help of the editor Hrant Foundation Dink- the withdrawal of several passages in the original book in Turkish. In these passages including Hasan Cemal criticized “ASALA terrorist organization” and referred to “the occupation by Armenia of Azerbaijani territories.” These revelations during the public presentation Hasan Cemal’s book had the effect of a scandal, which led the author and journalist Hasan Cemal to cancel its upcoming appointments presentation of the book in diaspora.
In an interview with our fellow Armenian Tert.am, Yervant Dink, brother of Hrant Dink says it is worried about the life of Hasan Cemal whose head was a price by the Turks military. “Turkish armed groups,” Tchétiénner “have already decided the fate of Hasan Cemal. There is an atmosphere of fear around his scheduled murder and now his life is in danger, “said Yervant Dink. For passages removed his Armenian version of the book by Hasan Cemal, Yervant Dink evokes a translator handling and minimizes About Hasan Cemal. “He has already stated that it may also be wrong about certain facts or matters as it holds not the absolute truth, “said Yervant Dink about Hasan Cemal.” This book of Hasan Cemal on the Armenian genocide is not written for Armenians, it is primarily the 80 million people in Turkey. The Armenian player knows the reality of the Armenian genocide (…) we want that in Turkey the distribution of this book reaches the million copies. “Said the brother of Hrant Dink.
“In Turkey, Hasan Cemal is recognized as a great editor and writer. Of the 80 million people of Turkey at least 60 million know. Hasan Cemal not only expressed his views on the Armenian genocide, but also on other issues such as Kurdish southeast of Turkey or the question of the Alevis. The Kurdish question is now the subject of negotiations, Hasan Cemal was one of the architects of this dialogue. Feel its influence in Turkey! “Continues Yervant Dink.
He continues, “In Turkey there are some hidden nationalist forces, armed groups that specifically act to a national goal. They have already decided the fate of Hasan Cemal. The risk of his assassination is present. His life is in danger. Its position in favor of national minorities are not appreciated by those nationalist forces. Hasan Cemal has often opposed the armed force, the force of power, and Turkey there is a strong personality who faces these forces. The life of this man is also at risk for bringing to light the issue of the Armenian genocide … but I see that in Armenian, there is no information about it … (…) I see now some groups in Armenia want to dirty the name of Hasan Cemal. This is also the case in Turkey, where for example the Talaat Pasha Committee carries a serious hatred against Hasan Cemal. And now this man fell into the fire! Turkey now we fear for his life. “Yervant Dink continues,” If I speak in Turkey of the Armenian genocide, the Turks say that I am Armenian, and my words will not be heard strongly. But the word of a man like Hasan Cemal will be much heard and reach faster the ear of government. Our claim is field in Turkey is in Turkey that we must be active. »
Finally, on the issue of recognition of the Armenian Genocide Hasan Cemal, Yervant Dink concludes, “Hasan Cemal said when he was in Armenia” I am a man, I am not a government official, but if I were, I would recognize the Armenian genocide and ask forgiveness to the Armenians. And whether to raise the issue of compensation should also address and achieve. “ What should he say even stronger Hasan Cemal? The grandson of Cemal Pasha said that there was genocide, we do not say that this statement is sufficient. Myself for this book Hasan Cemal I have criticisms and I’m fifty questions. “
Krikor Amirzayan
Anoush Baghdassarian, 19, of Great Neck, published her first play “Found,” focusing on the impact of the Armenian genocide when she was still a senior at Great Neck South High School. Baghdassarian, now a college freshman, hopes her play can be used as an educational tool in schools. (Credit: Anoush Baghdassarian) Reported by newsday.com
Growing up in Great Neck, Anoush Baghdassarian spent her Sundays in school at the Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs in Bayside, reading stories of her country and learning how her heritage has been shaped over time.
“When I was young, in second, third grade, I was captivated by the stories of our past, what makes my culture,” Baghdassarian, 19, said. “I just wanted to learn more.”
Human Rights Association, in recent months, “Right for denial of the Armenian Genocide 100th Anniversary Last Campaign” launched. Details of the event will be held under the campaign began to emerge. HRA etinlik throughout the campaign, Turkey from N Zartonk, Zana Institute, Greens and the Left Party of the Future – The dating Confrontation Working Group, the London-based Gomidas Institute, France Collectif Van, will perform with the support of the European Armenian Council and Syrian activists.
HRA 24 April 2015 in 28 provinces will hold a memorial event. In some cities where genocide was made to “Walking Genocide” will be held. Will be held in Istanbul Haydarpasa walk in front of the Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum. April 24 will be the commemoration of the second central Diyarbakir. Gomidas Institute, with the support of HRA in Diyarbakır will organize a special event from April 22-24.
German-Turkish filmmaker Fatih Akin, who directed the film The Cut, which is about the Armenian Genocide and its consequences, reacted strongly against Germany’s former Turkish MP Hakki Keskin, who attempted to “teach” him history. report news.am
Akin responded publicly to Keskin, the former president of Germany’s Turkish community organization, and asked Keskin to remove his Email address from his mailing list and to no longer send him Emails, Marksist.org website of Turkey reported.
“I don’t want to receive your political content Emails. I recognize 1915 as genocide. I believe you are familiar with the content of the film The Cut. But you haven’t read my comments on it in various media; I hope you’ll be attentive,” Fatih Akin said.
The stories of Armenians who survived the mass killings of the late Ottoman era have been gathered in a book titled “100 years… Real Stories.”
The 47 stories inside the book – which were collected as part of the “Turk Who Saved Me” project supported by the U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office and realized by the Armenia-based Armedia Agency and the European Integration Non-Governmental Organization – are presented in the words of the survivors with minimal editing, bilingual Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos has reported.
The book has been translated into Armenian, English and Turkish, and will be distributed free of charge as part of the project.
Lilit Gasparyan, who translated the book into Turkish, said they had selected 47 stories for publication but received many more after initially calling for contributions.
“We deliver the verified, real stories of the people who survived the genocide thanks to the efforts of their Turkish neighbors, friends or ordinary Turks,” said Gasparyan.
Journalist Aris Nalcı, who coordinated the project, said similar projects also needed to be conducted in Turkey.
The year 2015 marks the centenary of the 1915 Ottoman Armenian mass killings during World War I. While Armenia and some countries legally refer to the incidents as “genocide,” the Turkish state does not accept the term and says the issue should be reviewed from a wider perspective.
Hrant Dink murder investigation, Istanbul Public Prosecutor Joseph Right membership will conduct the nature of the Supreme Court because prosecutors Gökalp Kökçü be selected.
Dink murder investigation conducted by the Istanbul Public Prosecutor about 7 months Yusuf Rights of Nature, the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) was selected by the membership of the Supreme Court. Thereupon Istanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office, Terrorism and Organized Crime Bureau Gökalp rootlets of the prosecutor assigned to the investigation.
Gökalp Kökçü, Dink murder was committed deployed since January 19, 2007 was the sixth prosecutors.
Selim Berna Altay first prosecutor’s investigation has prepared the indictment for murder. Continued after the trial and public officials about the investigation carried out in order prosecutors and Rebecca chose Cihan Bloodless served. Prosecutors bloodless after carrying out investigations at the same time on 25 December Muammar Akkas, looked at three year investigation into Dink. Following the appointment of the Prosecutor Akkas elsewhere investigation was given to Prosecutor Joseph Rights of Nature.
Professor of the history of Turkish Dokuz Eylül University Turkan Basigit assigned his students to come to the exam prepared to deny the fact of Armenian Genocide, Armenian News – NEWS.am reports.
According to the Turkish Radikal newspaper, the homework assigned by the Turkish professor to the students caused active stir in social networks. Turkan Basigit demanded that all students come to the exam with written paper that professionally and from the historical point of view denies the basis of documents supporting the fact of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey. Students have scanned the assignment and spread it in social networks, where many users joined the protest and expressed dissatisfaction with such an assignment.
In particular, many users of social networks asked the Turkish professor, what he would do if some students will come to the conclusion in their academic papers, which support the fact of the Armenian Genocide.