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As part of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of victims of the Holocaust, the cell Democracy or barbarism of the Ministry of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation organized 25 January 2016 in Brussels a day of reflection dedicated to genocide deniers and revisionism.
In the first part of the day, Laurence Schram (Doctor of History) and Mr. Eric David (Professor Emeritus of International Law) spoke about the denial and the laws in force in Belgium and Europe. Mr. Yves Ternon (Doctor of History, Paris IV-Sorbonne) made a presentation on the Armenian genocide and the Tutsis.
In the second part of the day, first Özgüden Dogan, chief editor of Info-Türk, presented the Turkish denial about the 1915 genocide and its impact in countries hosting immigrants from Turkey.
Then a panel of M.Elias Constas (scientific collaborator MRAH) and representatives of the three resources Centres spoke concrete examples of situations or about whether they experienced themselves or that have been reported by their field actors (teachers, educators …)
The intervention of Dogan Özgüden
Ladies and gentlemen,
First of all I must make a clarification. Frankly, I’m not an expert on issues of genocide and denial … For cons, I’m a witness, both in my private life that in all my professional activities and social policies, including for over forty years ‘exile.
I just listened to the speech of dear Yves Ternon which is one of the foremost authorities on the subject of the first genocide of the 20th century. I had the honor of serving as an intermediary between him and my friend Zarakolu, there are more than twenty years, for publication in Turkey of the Turkish translation of his work, Armenian Tabou .. .
Indeed, until 1993, the genocide of Armenians in 1915 was a taboo in Turkey … Turkish public opinion has never known or recognized that the most bloody and shameful episode in its history.
All generations, including mine, have been raised in the schools of the Kemalist republic which inculcates the superiority of the Turkish race … As neighboring peoples such as the Russians, Arabs, Bulgarians, Greeks, Persians, non-Turkish peoples of Anatolia, as Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks, Kurds were considered enemies of the Turkish nation.
Genocides, massacres, pogroms committed against these people appeared nowhere in the curriculum or in the Turkish media.
Fortunately, despite the brainwashing, as the child of a family of itinerant railroad, I had the chance to know in the Anatolian steppes or in the neighborhoods of cities such as Ankara, Izmir and Istanbul, some descendants of genocide survivors.
However, despite sharing the same social fate that my Armenian friends, they never raised this issue, because it was a taboo which forced the non-Turkish families to keep silent to not suffer harassment by official authorities or even by their neighbors proud of being Turkish and Muslim.
They were right, after the extermination and deportation, there were only a few tens of thousands of Armenians and Greeks in Turkey. But Turkish nationalism was not entirely satisfied with the ethnic cleansing done by the Ottoman power. During the Republican period, repressive operations against non-Turkish communities continued incessantly.
During the first year of the republic, in 1923, over one million Greeks were deported to Greece.
In 1934, after an anti-Semitic campaign in the Turkish media, Jews from the cities of Tekirdağ, Edirne, Kırklareli and Çanakkale were victims of pogroms.
From 1923 to 1937, the Turkish army has carried out several genocidal operations against the Kurdish population in the southeast provinces.
And it continues: during the second world war, many Armenians, Greeks and Jews were sent to forced labor camps in the east of the country under the pretext that they did not pay a tax on their property.
And pogroms and atrocities on 6 and 7 September 1955 against the Greek community in Istanbul and Izmir … I was personally eyewitness rampages in Izmir as a young journalist.
Of course, I have to add to the blacklist pogroms against Alevis in the 70, 80 and 90 in the cities of Kahramanmaras, Corum and Sivas.
While these pogroms were sometimes criticized by opposition parties and media, the 1915 genocide was never discussed in the media until recent years.
Even the 50th anniversary of the genocide in 1965, while the Armenian diaspora launched a genocide recognition campaign, the Turkish media remained deaf and dumb.
Neither the parties of the left or progressive unions have made no comment on this black page of history. All this despite the fact that there were Armenians, Greeks and Jews who were active in these organizations.
When someone dared to ask a question about this subject, we preferred to just say that during the first world war, imperialism sow hostility among the peoples to weaken the Ottoman Empire and share these territories.
About this silence, I remember an anecdote of my professional life with bitterness … In 1967, when I ran a week left, we hired a young academic as assistant technical director Inci Tugsavul.
He was wearing a Turkish name. After several months of collaboration, one day he told me: “I must confess one thing that bothers me since day one. Yes, my name Yasar Uçar, but I’m not Turkish. My family was forced to hide his real identity and wearing a Turkish name. I do not want you to have problems working with an Armenian then you already have dozens of lawsuits and threats … “
I reassured … “No Yasar, nothing to fear … This is an honor for me to work with an Armenian origin colleague. “
A second anecdote which I always remember with bitterness … After the second coup in 1971 … At the beginning of our exile with my wife Inci Tugsavul. We were organizing a protest campaign against the regime of generals in Turkey. One evening we were with our friend Marcel Croës with another guest. When I related violations of human rights in Turkey, this guest asked me a direct question: “What do you think of the genocide of Armenians in 1915? “
After a few seconds of hesitation, I tried to repeat the same argument that progressive organizations in Turkey, “Yes, there have been dramatic episodes in the history of our country, but they are the consequence of imperialist provocations. “
My interlocutor was not happy with this evasive answer, me neither!
It is from that time that I got into a closer study on the subject … It is above all thanks to the documents provided by the diaspora that my work team and I are better informed about this happened in 1915.
When the Armenian Asala organization launched in 1975 its violent actions against Turkish targets in order to force the Ankara regime for the recognition of the 1915 genocide, the subject is nilly entered the agenda of democratic organizations Turkey.
When these actions aroused anti-Armenian campaign in the media in the service of the Ankara regime in 1981 in an opposition newspaper that we were heading to Brussels, we published the first article calling on the Turkish democratic forces to seriously on the issue of the Armenian genocide.
In 1987, we published a voluminous black book on the violations of human rights in Turkey in which devoted a chapter about the oppression of Kurds and Christians in the country. To date, we are not alone in the search for historical truth.
Late 70s and especially after the third hit of 1980 state, the influx of Armenians, Assyrians and Kurdish political refugees fleeing repression is a real turning point in the community life of Turkish citizens in Europe.
While almost all Turkish immigrant associations were subject to the repressive policies of the military junta, the Armenian, Assyrian and Kurdish have set up their own organizations in all host countries in Europe.
The historical struggle of the Diaspora for the recognition of the 1915 genocide has gained a new dimension with the support of these new associations that have always kept their narrow organizational relations with Turkey.
It was at that time that we expanded continuing education activities and expression and creativity within our intercultural association Les Ateliers du Soleil. This center is frequented since tens of years by citizens from more than fifty backgrounds, including Armenian, Assyrian, Kurd from Turkey.
In the 90s, the Association of Democrats Armenians of Belgium, the Belgian Institute of Assyrian, Kurdish Institute of Brussels and the Info-Türk Foundation have established a platform for the defense of human rights and peoples in Turkey.
It is this platform that, with the European Armenian Federation, organized in 2005 a series of academic and cultural activities to mark the 90th anniversary of the genocide of Armenians and Assyrians.
Enraged by these developments, the Turkish lobby has not hesitated to provoke Turkish ultranationalist groups against Armenian organizations, Kurdish and Assyrian.
Already in 1994, the Grey Wolves had attacked a hundred Kurds participating in a peaceful march. I remember with horror from firing, in 1998, the premises of the Kurdish Institute of Brussels and another Kurdish association in the Bonneels street in front of the Brussels police!
In 2007, the offices of a Kurdish Association in Saint-Josse were ravaged by arson. That same year, an Armenian trade in Saint Josse was sacked twice by the Grey Wolves.
Same year, the Turkish journalist Mehmet Köksal who had achieved a critical work of communalism and denial was the victim of a physical assault under the cries of “traitor”.
A year later, in 2008, a call to lynching campaign was launched against the leaders of Info-Türk because of our criticism against Holocaust denial. The Belgian government had to place me under protection.
A turning point in the fight against Ankara’s denial was the assassination of the Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in 2007 by the sinister forces of the Turkish state. It is for the first time in Turkey, tens of thousands of Turkish democrats have mobilized to protest against this last step of the Armenian Genocide while chanting “We are all Armenians … We are all Hrant Dink ! “
The recognition of the 1915 genocide has since become a key demand of Democratic Forces of Turkey
However, the Ankara regime, despite the fact that he is a candidate for decades in the EU persists in its denial. Not only in Turkey but in all the countries hosting Turkish immigrants, denying the 1915 genocide is one of the red lines of the Turkish state.
Organizations subject to Turkish lobby are forced at every opportunity to protest against the recognition of the 1915 Genocide … Even politicians from the Turkish community and belonging to the Belgian political parties manifest as burning during the genocide deniers elections …
Among them, there are some who promised the voters of Turkish origin to demolish the monument in Ixelles dedicated to the victims of genocide and to erect a monument in Brussels to honor the Ottoman Empire.
To my disappointment, the Belgian political leaders have preferred to close their eyes to this submission to negationist lobby of the Turkish state in order to attract votes in the municipalities inhabited by Turkish nationals.
That is why the resolution adopted last year by the Belgian parliament is not a real recognition of the 1915 genocide, because it absolves all the leaders of the Turkish Republic.
But several officials of the Ottoman genocide of 1915 were incorporated into the Republican politicians as ministers, MPs or military commanders.
In addition, the resolution praised the two main current leaders, Erdogan and Davutoglu, while they still deny the Armenian genocide.
Obviously, it was a game to keep politicians elected some deniers of Turkish origin in their ranks, giving them a chance to vote a version “soft” resolution.
Even more disturbing … Last year was commemorated in the world the 1915 genocide centennial Meanwhile, in Belgium, the head of denial and despotic regime was welcomed with full honors, red carpet the occasion of the inauguration of Europalia-Turkey.
Valuing the Belgian home as a diplomatic victory in its propaganda in the elections of November 1, Erdogan has strengthened its parliamentary majority.
Worse, this prestigious festival program was devoted solely to the promotion of the greatness of the Ottoman Empire without making any reference to the Armenian civilization, Assyrian, Greek or Kurdish that existed there even before the Turkish conquest.
After his conquest of Brussels and its electoral victory, Erdogan has launched a new campaign of repression against its opponents in order to establish a despotic presidential system and adapt all public institutions of Turkey to Islamic standards.
Is it not that Erdogan who, in the name of religious solidarity, provided logistical support Daech?
Currently, the Kurdish people in Turkey is subjected to an unprecedented bloodbath by Turkish security forces and Kurds in Syria are the only forces fighting against the Islamic state and they are constantly threatened by the power of Erdogan.
In Turkey today, not only the Kurdish politicians but also journalists, academics, artists who dare to protest against this repression suffer every day new threats, insults and searches.
More than a thousand scholars are accused of treachery to the fatherland by the media at the service of the Erdogan government.
Why ?
Because they have discovered that most of these academics had said: “We are all Hrant, we are all Armenians! “After the assassination of Hrant Dink.
Here are some testimonials from me in the time limit allotted to each speaker.
I believe that the Belgian democratic forces always have vis-à-vis duty of the peoples of Turkey and vis-à-vis the Turkish democrats, victims of repression by the leaders of this country which is a member of the Council of Europe , NATO member and candidate to the European Union.
Erdogan and his accomplices never deserve the red carpet, but a red light as they do not respect the universal and European conventions on human rights and peoples.
Thank you for your patience…
A photo exhibition dedicated to the Armenian Genocide opened in the Yerevan History Museum on Tuesday, bringing to light the personal tragedies and stories of many survivors.
Entitled “Over 100”, the event is an attempt to display the recollections and evidence preserved 100 years after the tragic crime, said Inna Mkhitaryan, a photographer and documentalist who initiated the project.
“As the Genocide centenary neared, I found myself more deeply immersed in thoughts; so I came up with the idea of this exhibition. Through the 30 photographs on display, I have tried to feature survivors and split families. I also made an attempt to address culture, which too, is of a key significance,” she noted.
Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan, who attended the exhibition, honored Mkhitaryan with an acknowledgement award.
Among the guests was also renowned composer Tigran Mansuryan, who was the hero of one of the photos on display.
Speaking to reporters at the event, the musician emphasized the importance of collecting reminiscences and keeping them in memory as living heritage.
“When we lose memory, that’s the biggest loss after so many losses suffered. Our memory should be responsible for living with the lost [past] and keeping it alive at present. Preserving every single relic is important, be it a piece of painting, music or word,” he added.
“Strangely, it is not Armenia that sets preconditions for Armenian-Turkish normalization, but Turkey – the successor of the Ottoman Empire that committed genocide,” Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan told reporters today in response to a question about what should be expected amid Turkish FM’s claims that Armenian-Turkish relations would not be normalized without a settlement of the Karabakh conflict.
In his words, it would be strange to look for logic in recent rhetoric of Turkish diplomacy concerning not only Armenia-related issues, but other problems as well.
As regards the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and the question about whether commemorative events will be held at the same pace this year or the centennial was the reason for such large-scale commemorations, Nalbandyan noted that in 2015 the events were audible throughout the world.
“On the 50th anniversary of the Genocide, a dark page in our history, the tragedy was not much discussed outside Armenian circles. But now we can say that the Armenian Genocide has gained worldwide recognition thanks to common efforts that the Armenians have made during these years. Consistent work will not stop after the anniversary. We will continue consistent efforts with the Armenian people and the international community to achieve recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide and prevent new genocides,” the minister said.
We call upon all segments of our community to join together in a RALLY FOR JUSTICE on Sunday, April 24, 2016, at 1:00 p.m. at the intersection of Wilshire Boulevard and Crescent Heights in Los Angeles in front of the Turkish Consulate as we continue to fight for a just resolution and against denial of the Armenian Genocide.
As we enter the second century of denial of the Armenian Genocide, and following the worldwide uprising of the Armenian People on the occasion of last year’s Centennial, including the 166,000 thousand who marched through the streets of Los Angeles, organizational leaders in Southern California call upon the Armenian-American community to remain vigilant and active as we continue to voice our collective demands for justice.
It is our belief that our voices are most loudly and effectively heard when they are unified, and to that end, we proudly announce the continued cooperation of community organizations to organize and execute the commemorative activities for this year under the banner of the newly formed Armenian Genocide Committee (“AGC”) consisting of the organizations and entities listed below.
Further details will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.
Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church
Armenian Catholic Church of North America
Armenian Evangelical Union of North America
Armenian Democratic Liberal Party
Armenian Revolutionary Federation
Social Democratic Hunchakian Party
Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District
Armenian Relief Society – Western USA
Armenian Youth Federation
Armenian Assembly of America
Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region
Armenian Council of America
Armenian Rights Council
Armenian Bar Association
Organization of Istanbul Armenians
PARIS. – The discussions, and with respect to the preparation of a draft law that criminalizes the denial of the Armenian Genocide, have resumed in France.
President François Hollande stated the aforesaid during the annual dinner, which was held this year on Thursday evening in Paris, by the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations in France (CCAF).
Hollande added that he has entrusted French jurist Jean-Paul Costa, the former President of the European Court of Human Rights, in the drafting of this law, French Armenian journalist Jean Eckian told Armenian News-NEWS.am.
The French president said he has instructed Costa to find in this bill a clear and incontestable way which will enable to defend the memory of the genocide victims, and that this should be done in a very short time.
Also, François Hollande reflected on the failure of a similar draft law in France in 2012, and noted that in this case, the bill needs to be invulnerable in terms of constitutionality.
The journalist of the Turkish Milliyet, Serdar Sarıdağ, strictly addressed those fans who made offensive remarks over Aras Ozbiliz transfer to Turkey’s Beşiktaş.
Sarıdağ noted that he was very happy to learn that a footballer like Aras was returning to Turkey.
“Thanks to the President of Beşiktaş. We know, he had been dealing with this issue for 3 years.
Now let’s pass on to Aras. His father is a Diyarbakir Armenian, and Aras was born in Bakırköy, Istanbul, and left for the Netherlands as a child. As an Armenian, he apparently chose the Armenian Squad. He could also have chosen the Turkish Squad, but it was up to him. Nobody can say anything here. We are proud of Mesut Özil, aren’t we? Football is above nationality. Nowadays anyone can choose any squad they like.
Yes, Aras Ozbiliz is an Armenian. Does anyone object to this? And I’m a Turkish journalist. And Ribéry is a French Muslim. And Einstein was a Jewish German scientist. What is the point in saying such shameful things about nationality in football?” the Milliyet correspondent wrote.
Gülten Kaya is a Turkish music producer and an actress
By Hambersom Aghbashian,
Gülten Kaya is a Turkish music producer and an actress well known for (Yusuf ile Kenan -1979), (Memnu meyva -1979) and (Aklin durur -1975). She is the widow of late Kurdish singer Ahmet Kaya ( born in 1957 in Malatya, Turkey – died in 2000 in his de facto exile in Paris). Gülten Kaya is a political activist and a member of “The Friends of Hrant Dink organization.”
Gülten Kaya was one of the main speakers during “The Friends of Hrant Dink organization” gathering to mark the seventh anniversary of the killing of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink on January 19, 2014, where tens of thousands gathered in Istanbul and marched from Taksim Square to Agos newspaper’s office building in the Pangalti neighborhood of Sisli. In her speech, Gülten Kaya, commemorated not only Dink, but also those who were killed during the Gezi Park Resistance last year. “We are here not only to remember Hrant, but also Ethem [Sarisülük], Abdullah [Cömert], Medeni [Yildirim], Ahmet [Atakan] and those who
died in the Gezi protests,” Kaya said. “You have left mothers and fathers devoid of their children. Sons of this country were shot with treacherous bullets. How can we forget how many homes were broken?” she said. “What is your truth? This is 2014: You are carrying guns in your trucks instead of peace, democracy and human rights,” Kaya added, addressing Turkey’s security forces. (1)
“Taraf” Newspaper wrote on 20th April 2010, “ The anniversary of the 1915s events, this year will be remembered in Turkey, too. The commemoration organized by the “Say Stop!” Group. A group of intellectuals, for the first time in Turkey will commemorate this year on 24 April as the anniversary of the events of 1915. Under the leader-ship of “Say Stop!” group, the commemoration will start in front of the tram station in Taksim Square.
The text of the commemoration activity is as follows: “This pain is OUR pain. This mourning is for ALL of US. In 1915, when our population was just 13 million, in these lands were living from 1,5 to 2 million Armenians. In Thrace, in the Aegean, in Adana, Malatya, Van, Kars … Samatya, in Sisli, Galata … Our neighborhood grocery men, our dressmakers, our jewelers, our carpenters, our shoemakers, our classmates, our teachers, our officers, our orderlies, our deputies, our historians, our composers …They were our Friends. In April 24 1915 it was started “to send them”. We lost them. They are no longer available. The vast majority are no more between us. They have not even graves. But, the “Great Pain” of the “Great Disaster” , with its utmost gravity EXISTS in our conscience. It is growing since 95 years. We are calling all the people of Turkey, who [the people] feel in their hearts this “Great Pain”, to respectfully prostrate in front of the 1915s victims’ remembrance. In black dresses, silently.Lightening candles for their souls, bearing flowers .Because this pain is OUR pain. This mourning is for ALL of US. “(2) Gülten Kaya was one of the prominent intellectuals who participated in the commemoration.
“Today Zaman”, wrote on April 20, 2011, “Armenians who lost their lives in the Armenian displacement that took place in 1915, during the final days of the Ottoman Empire, will be commemorated through a variety of events for a second time this year. This year’s commemoration ceremonies will be held in İstanbul’s Taksim Square, Ankara, İzmir, Diyarbakır and Bodrum. A statement with the headline, “This pain is ours,” has been opened up for signatures. More than 100 people including intellectuals, writers and journalists including Ahmet İnsel, Ali Bayramoğlu, Alper Görmüş, Bekir Berat Özipek, Cafer Solgun, Ferhat Kentel, Gülten Kaya, Leyla İpekçi, Mehmet Bekaroğlu, Oral Çalışlar, Orhan Miroğlu, Oya Baydar, Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Ümit Kardaş have already signed the statement. Deputies from the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) and independent candidates supported by the party will be supporting the commemoration ceremony to be held in Diyarbak?r.” (3)
In response to official statements that the Royal Library of Denmark has agreed “to balance” an Armenian Genocide exhibition by allowing the Turkish government to mount its own “alternative” exhibit, a group of Turkish citizens–including academics, writers, former members of parliament, and mayors–have signed an open letter to the Royal Library,where they said ” It is incorrect to suggest that two different views of what happened in 1915 are possible. Over 1 million Ottoman-Armenian citizens were forced out of their homes and annihilated in furtherance of an intentional state policy. What exists today is nothing other than the blatant denial of this reality by the Turkish government.” They added “ Don’t Stand Against Turkey’s Democratization and Confrontation with its History!” Gülten Kaya (music producer) is one of the intellectuals who signed the petition. (4)
According to “TodayZaman,” September 26, 2014, “A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf.” Gülten Kaya was one of the intellectuals who signed the petition. (5)
1- www.mirrorspectator.com/pdf/012514.pdf
2- http://www.taraf.com.tr/haber/ 48851.htm
3- http://www.todayszaman.com/news-241521-1915-tragedy-to-be-commemorated-for-second-time-in-turkey.html
4- http://armenianweekly.com/2012/12/18/turkish-citizens-sign-petition-against-denialist-exhibit-in-denmark/
5- http://www.todayszaman.com/anasayfa_group-of-intellectuals-condemn-anti-armenian-statements-in-textbooks_359935.html
By Harut Sassounian, California Courier
January 26, 2016
While Armenian Americans closely following the sinister efforts of Turkey and its lobbying firms, they do not pay too much attention to some Turkish Americans, or they appear in the organization chart of the Turkish government, or they undertake in turn acts of propaganda, driven by unbridled patriotism. One of these is the Turkish American Oya Bain, described in a recent interview with the Turkish denialist website HistoryofTruth.com as “one of the most active people in the Turkish diaspora in the United States.” She is a member of the Board of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), Assembly of Turkish Associations of America, a coalition of 60 Turkish associations in the United States.
Bain claims that after many years of ATAA’s efforts to organize “lectures, conferences, programs on false Armenian claims across the US in 2015 [year of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide], the frequency and The intensity of such programs have achieved the highest levels. “ She added that there was a significant “increase in the number of professionals and serious academics who study objectively the Ottoman period in the time of the First World War and which issued their report without the Armenian threats and intimidation of previous years”.
Curiously, Bain uses the term “we have serious specialists” to designate the deniers Ed Erickson authors, Michael Gunter, Guenter Lewy, Tal Buenos Jeremy Salt, Norman Stone, Christofer Gunn, Maxime Gauin and Pat Walsh. What exactly drives Bain to say “we have”? This phraseology is undoubtedly a “kiss of death” for any self-respecting intellectual!
Responding to a question on relations between Armenians and Turks in Washington DC, Bain took the opportunity to attack the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA): “Yes, we have friends in the Armenian community. Turkish Armenians are warm, friendly and they like us. By cons, we have in front of us ANCA, a consistently negative and hostile organization prejudices, exaggerations and outright lies in the media, political circles and the university. “ It also does not appreciate my weekly column: “Recently, an article of 20 October 2015 Harut Sassounian extremist author was entitled ‘For the Denial of Genocide is Forbidden, the [European] Court Incite Armenians Committing Acts of Violence. “
Ignoring the millions of dollars spent each year by the Turkish government to manipulate politicians, journalists, writers and so-called experts, Bain exaggerates the modest budget of ANCA and the Armenian Assembly, describing it as false “well funded, installed in luxury offices, with a large staff … It is undoubtedly an industry.”
Bain says proudly that the size of the Friendship Group with Turkey has increased from 62 members to 151 members in 2005. Recognizing that money buys votes, as was the case of the former Speaker of the House of Representatives Dennis Hastert [photo], she states: “We do not have as many votes in the Armenian communities Greek, but we can provide funding and support of volunteers. “ Bath indulges in what Senator Menendez and Representatives Pallone and Pelosi, describing them as “members [of Congress] fans who are very rigid and very hostile to the Turks.”
Seasoned propagandist, Bain said his organization tries to convince – it should say abusing – members of Congress by presenting their “a message of reconciliation with Armenia.” She cites such “support the ATAA for protocols between Armenia and Turkey in 2009, and particularly the formation of a commission of historians to study targets the conflict between Armenians and Turks.” She conveniently forgets to mention that Turkey has continued to refuse to ratify the protocols!
Recognizing that the ATAA was created in 1979 by Sukru Elekda, while Turkish Ambassador to the United States, Bain inadvertently reveals the intense political activity of the ATAA in violation of its statutes nonprofit organization! She presses with unconsciousness groups ATAA ‘to leave the dangerous state of mind of a type 501-c-3 [nonprofit] hampering political activity’. ‘This behavior has seriously hampered our efforts to fight the Armenian claims in the region’. An appeal should be filed with the IRS [the IRS] to restrict lobbying activities of ATAA or terminate.
It is possible that other ATAA violates US laws. Calling it “excellent” relations between the ATAA and the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC, Bain recognizes that successive Turkish ambassadors in Washington contributed “a lot of support” for ATAA, as the organization of “a lot fabulous evening fundraiser at the Embassy. “ It does not seem to realize that it magnifies the revelations could cause problems to the ATAA requiring registration as a “foreign agent” with the Justice Department of the USA.
In his concluding remarks, Bath accuses US media “bias, censorship of any positive event from Turkey, veiled discrimination”. She then adds: “The bias of the media has risen during the April 24, 2015, the centennial year of Armenian claims … It will probably take another 100 years to reverse and correct misconceptions.” Bath vain hope that “in the coming 100 years Armenian propaganda and lies will be removed and a more balanced perception of Turkish and Armenian tragedy emerge, respecting the suffering and deaths of the two people in 1915. I think that the Armenian tragedy is now so much depreciated vulgar propaganda it can go lower … One wishes that the internet will finally be rid of all the rubbish of false information on the Armenian claims . I am hopeful for 100 years to come. The tide goes out. “
It is imperative that the Armenians counteract campaigns not only of the Turkish government lobbying, but also those of ‘lone wolves’ as Oya Bain, without exceeding the rules of civility and law.
Translation for Gilbert Béguian Armenews
despicable Markar Esayan
Markar Esayan, an Armenian MP representing Turkey at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), today voted for the adoption of the anti-Armenian reports at PACE’s winter session.
PACE MP on Tuesday voted against MP Robert Walter’s (UK) anti-Armenian report entitled “Escalation of Violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and Other Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan,” but adopted MP Milica Marković’s (Bosnia and Herzegovina) anti-Armenian report about Sarsang Reservoir in Nagorno-Karabakh, and entitled “Inhabitants of frontier regions of Azerbaijan are deliberately deprived of water.”