War, Jihad, Martyrdom
Turkey remains an ally in the most important military alliance of Western powers, NATO. If the United States, the United Kingdom and others want to maintain together this cornerstone of our collective defense strategy, then the health of NATO and its constituent members is of utmost importance. This is just one reason why the lack of coverage of what is happening inside this country should be so worrying. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has gone from being prime minister to president, seems to want to even be a caliph. In December, he took advantage of his country’s organization of the 57-member meeting of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation to oppose President Trump’s announcement on the US embassy in Israel. In anticipation of a meeting with the pope, Erdogan told the Italian newspaper La Stampa that at the meeting, his ” first priority is Jerusalem. “Then, during a visit to the head of the world’s Catholics, Erdogan introduces himself as the leader of the world’s Muslims. It’s a long and perfectly open game.
Last week, the Erdogan Family Foundation organized a major youth convention at the Ankara Presidential Palace. Erdogan explained how he planned to use his faith to turn the world around. A large part of his audience then stood up and began chanting “War, Jihad, Martyrdom”. Glazing.
Video to see here: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/456105/erdogan-turkey-internationalist-elites-parochialism
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