The author of these lines has acquired numerous materials, documents, financial and other accounting reports and documents, audio recording of the confidante of Ali Hasanov — the Head of Department on Social Political Issues of the Azerbaijani President Administration – recidivist nicknamed “Fatya” (journalist Eynulla Fatullayev), who reveals in detail the factors and reasons that breed corruption in higher echelons of power in the country, also telling about the inner circle of President Ilham Aliyev. Another audio tape includes revelations by the former director of programs of Soros Foundation (Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation) in Azerbaijan, who scrupulously depicts the funding mechanisms by the official Baku of various international NGOs that act as advocates of Azerbaijani regime in the international arena.
All these materials were generously shared by the fellow employees of European Information Center for Human Rights in Austria (EIZM), which in turn were presented to the Editorial board of “Reporter” by the author. The submitted article was adopted by the Editorial board and was published. Moreover, the board promised its readers to publish an interview with the former chairperson of European Information Human Rights Center (EIHRC) Garri Mourei in the future.
Few days after the article was published, the “Reporter” came up with quite a different announcement. The position therein was in a nutshell telling that the materials submitted to the board are unchecked and do not reflect the opinion of the Editorial board. Such an abrupt change of position is a direct result of certain pressure onto the mass media by the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the United Nations. As it became known, the EIZM expressed its interest, through an official representative, to comment on the scandalous Azerbaijani diplomat Farid Jabrayilov’s article published online on «Reporter» in response to O.Kalfan’s article. However, the Davidzon Media Inc., which owns «Reporter», declined to publish the position of the human rights center and did not elaborate on the reasons of their decision. Nevertheless, O.Kalfan’s article raised a big international interest indeed and forced the Azerabaijani leadership to take up measures through its Foreign Ministry aimed at preventing any future publications that would put in jeopardy the ideological integrity and security of Azerbaijani Republic. Meantime, the story attracted interest in Israel, too – the article was reprinted on the website of one of the highest ranked TV channels in the country – the Channel 9.
As we learnt from trusted sources, after the «Reporter» published the first article, the editorial staff was contacted by a representative of the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN who in quite a diplomatic manner and convincingly asked not to publish any negative information about a friendly country of the State of Israel in the future, adding that they would be eager to consider any suggestions of interesting and mutually beneficial cooperation. Despite efforts, this pursuit proved to be fruitless – the owner of the outlet said, that the editorial board did not see any basis to decline publication of criticizing materials about Azerbaijan on behalf of international human rights organizations. Such a response was not quite welcomed by the Azerabijani diplomat, and few days later the owner was reached out by the First Secretary of the Permanent Mission Mr Jabrayilov and in the form of an ultimatum demanded «stop malicious publications about his homeland on a good note, otherwise Yashar Teimurovich (Yashar Aliyev is the Head of Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN. – O.K.), who has got big influence and good contacts among American Congressmen and Senators, will engage in this situation with relevant consequences». Then the interlocutor made it clear to the president of Davidzon Media Inc. that «the Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN has friendly ties with the Office of the Mayor of New York and that can greatly complicate relations between Gregori (Gregori Davidzon – president of Davidzon Media Inc. – О.K.) with the tax authorities of the city».
Unfortunately, the last argument was compelling and being well familiar of the American tax authorities the entrepreneur was forced to capitulate and ordered the editorial board to publish a «right» material about the «great and mighty Azerbaijan». However, Mr Davidzon would hardly know that Farid Jabrayilov was indeed a famous person in New York, yet not for his diplomatic skills and certainly not for his victories, but for opposite reasons: his popularity is based on continuous scandals, debauches and other noisy incidents which regularly happen to the odious diplomat living in Big Apple.
Last year Mr Jabrayilov already became a front page hero of various media outlets across the world after attempting to instigate а scuffle during Novruz celebrations in one of New York restaurants. Thus he was doing his best to show his attitude towards a public protest against the ruling regime in Azerbaijan organized by civil society activists. One of the participants of the rally, E.Ismayil, became a victim of high-handed diplomat and then appealed to the New York police department. Moreover, E.Ismayil also wrote an open letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. Despite these efforts, he did not achieve anything, because Mr Farid Jabrayilov not only has diplomatic immunity, but also is closely related to a high ranked state official in his country. This gives an opportunity to the future head of Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry (this position is tipped for Jabrayilov) to live quite a bohemian lifestyle, drive while impaired, violate parking regulations, instigate scandals and debauches in public places and showdowns with local Azerbaijani Diaspora. And this is the real face of an Azerbaijani diplomat who is tasked to serve the interests of his country abroad. And this “face” is not quite known to the American media and the public, but is perfectly “identified” by the owners of local bars, pubs and adult clubs, where Faridik (as he is called by Americans), is very well known.
It is highly unpleasant, but a group of independent French and American journalists will have to write an open letter to the Secretariat of the Secretary General of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon and outline the unhealthy environment that has been in place within the walls of the Azerbaijani Mission to the UN, as a result of which the behavior of the Azerbaijani diplomat has gone beyond elementary decency.
In conclusion we shall just add, that, despite all the difficulties and issues that appeared during the preparation of the interview, we were able to meet with the employees and the chairperson of the European Information Center for Human Rights in Austria (EIZM) Garri Mourei, have a friendly talk with human rights activists, find out who exactly stands behind the anti-Israeli riots in France, touch upon the rise of anti-Semitism in Azerbaijan, discuss the outstanding issues in relations between Tel Aviv and Baku and, last but not least, learn why there is no embassy of Azerbaijan in Israel for a quarter century, as well as other related issues.
An in-depth interview with the chairperson of European Information Center for Human Rights will be published in international media some time during December 2014.