KDP party leader Massoud Barzani, Iraqi Kurdistan. Photo: AFP
By Hamma Mirwaisi | Exclusive to Ekurd.net
Kurdish people are loyal to leaders. It is hard to convince Kurds to accept new ideas, but when they were accepting ideas, it is hard for them to give it up easily.
It took few generations for Barzani family to take over South Kurdistan. Turkish Ottoman Empire hangs Sheikh Abdul Salam Barzani in the year 1914 in the city of Mosul-Iraq after he revolted against Turkish Empire.
The stars of Barzani family rise among Kurds in that part of Kurdistan because of the Turks murder of Sheikh Abdul Salam Barzani. His brother Sheikh Ahmed led the Barzani tribal revolt for a while, which followed by his younger brother Mullah Mustafa Barzani the father of current Barzani tribal leader Massoud Barzani.
From 1946 to 1979 Mullah Mustafa led Kurdish revolution with the support of Israel, Iran and the US. Jalal Talabani from Talabani Sheikh family challenged Barzani leadership, which resulted in the division of South Kurdistan into two regions.
Barzani established political party called Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) without knowing the meaning of the word Democrat. After the split of KDP in the year 1963 Ibraham Ahmed, the father in law of Jalal Talabani establishing the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) without knowing the meaning of word Patriot. The process of forming political parties become similar to open the new business in Kurdistan especially in South Kurdistan as the sources of income to make a living through corruption.
There are communist, Islamist, Socialist, Democrat, Patriot, Conservative on and on without knowing anything about such ideologies.
In the middle of the cause in Kurdistan came a group of young Kurds under the leadership of Abdullah Ocalan to form the Kurdistan Workers’ Party or PKK (Kurdish: Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê) started as Maoist or Marxist–Leninist political party. But in time the ideologies of PKK changed with the leader evolution. In time Abdullah Ocalan becomes knowledgeable enough to become one of the major world philosophers in his own, surpassing any other philosopher before him because he did solve women problem in the world.
Today KDP of Barzani is losing members and support of Kurdish people because Massoud Barzani and his brothers, nephew and children’s are submerged in corruption.
The PUK of Talabani is not better than KDP of Barzani, Jalal Talabani’s wife and his two sons are involved in the crime of corruption. His younger son Qubad Talabani suppose to be smarter than his older brother is working with Barzani family to share oil wealth of Kurdistan. Qubad married American Jewish girl, which give him a chance to be close to Israeli Government as the major protector of Barzani and Talabani families rule in South Kurdistan.
Iraqi Kurds are hopeless to be liberated from Barzani and Talabani yokes. Under the guidance of Israel Barzani allied with Turkey and Sunni Arabs of Iraq to stay in power for good. And again under the leadership of Israel Qubad Talabani and his mother allied with Iran and Shi’a of Iraq to stay in power for good. Many other players in South Kurdistan are allied with Turkey and Iran, but they are not making any progress because Turkey and Iran were only dealing with Barzani and Talabani families. One of the Talabani’s men by the name of Nawshirwan Mustafa come up with the idea of change to defeat Talabani and Barzani with the help of Iraqi Shi’a Government but failed. Nawshirwan Mustafa was trying to use PKK forces against Barzani and Talabani but failed too, because PKK leadership knows them very well.
It is evident for educated Kurds in South Kurdistan that only PKK forces can liberate Kurds from Barzani and Talabani families. But PKK does not have time now; they are in the middle of war in Turkey and Syria.
The US Government helped Barzani and Talabani to have significant military forces in that part of Iraq based on Israel recommendation. The new US administrations are very independent Government, oil lobbyist and Israel do not control over them anymore.
Iran is against the US interest in the Middle East, and the US knows very well that Barzani and Talabani’s forces are useless in the war. The US is seeking an alliance to be reliable in peace and wartime.
PKK are independent forces in the Middle East. They only depend on Kurdish people help, while they are seeking reliable partner too. The interest of PKK as the leader of the entire Kurdish population are sharing the common interest of the US interest in the Middle East, which could lead to the long-term alliance between PKK and the US against Iran expansion in that region.
Indeed, ‘The Return of the Medes” are in the process no one can stop that. Kurdish people are accepting Abdullah Ocalan philosophy finally; they are joining PKK ideologies by millions, while other political parties in Kurdistan are going down rapidly.
After 2539 years (Since Persian took over Median Empire) of abuses by Persian, Arabs, and Turks, the Kurds will be free to live in peace in Kurdistan, the land of the forefather of Kurds.
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Hamma Mirwaisi, a senior Kurdish writer and author of the book, “Return of the Medes” and the forthcoming book, “Enemies with the Same DNA“. Born in Iraqi, Kurdistan, he is a US citizen; he currently resides in the United States; is an electrical engineer by trade; he spent the early years of his life participating in the struggle for the freedom of Kurd from the tyrannical rule of Saddam Hussein. Mirwaisi was a regular contributing writer for Ekurd.net between 2010-2013.
Source: http://ekurd.net/barzani-failed-policies-kurdistan-2017-03-01