3 Armenian families in Afrin
At present, there are three Armenian families in Syria in Afrin, who are exposed to attack by the Turkish army, said Zarmig Chilaposhyan-Poghigian, editor of the Kirsasar periodical based in Aleppo.
According to her, the three families of Armenians live in Afrin and the day before, an Armenian was injured during the actions of Turkey
One of the shells fell in a house belonging to an Armenian family.
Before the military operations of many Armenians lived in Afrin, as well as in the nearby village of Azaz. Now they are gone, and the Armenian church and the house of culture have been destroyed.
In a Turkish air raid on Raco, an Armenian young man was killed. His family fled to Efrin a hundred years before the Armenian genocide.
One of the victims of the Turkish air attack on Raco district in Efrin canton on 24 January is Armenian Roşêr Koniş. As you know, a hundred years ago, his family fled the Armenian genocide in Efrin. His mother Semsa Koniş and sister Hanife Koniş were injured in the attack.
As Hartiyon Kivork, an acquaintance of the family, announced the ancestors of the family immigrated to Efrin then sure a hundred years ago: “And now they are bombed by the Turkish Air Force.”
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