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by Walid Shoebat on July 23, 2016
The Munich Massacre Is A Complete Coverup. The Munich Shooter’s Facebook Including His Family Background Shows He Is Not Iranian But A Syrian Islamist Pro Turkey
Ali David Soboly is no Iranian but pro Turkey’s Islamists from Syria. That plus he had a record with the Interpol and was being watched.
First of all. There is only one way to spell Sonboly in the Arabic (سنبلي), but in the English it can be spelled multiple ways (like Sunbulli, Sonboly), yet it is always the same spelling in Arabic: سنبلي
Unless one knows Arabic, they do not know where to look. Examining clan Sonboly and even Sonboly’s own Facebook where the Turkish flag is a main symbol.
Okay, perhaps he had a fetish for the red color and the crescent moon? But his clan also are of Turkish origin living in Syria and Turkey and this same Turkish flag as well as the Syrian flag is the pride of this clan as can be seen from Facebook.
The case for this clan’s love of Turkey’s Erdogan is ironclad. Plus he lived in the Turkish neighborhood.
Why then advertise him as an Iranian which would make him a Shiite Muslim? Is it possible that Germany wants to avoid the repercussion when Germans know that Turks or Syrian refugees who are entering Germany by the droves are the culprit?
The clan is from Homs Syria where some are scattered in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and Canada. A quick peruse of this clan can show their love for Turkey (here, here this one lives in Chicago, sunni with a Hijab from Homs, Syria, see also here, and here, and here, and here these are anti-Assad pro-Turkey’s brand of Islam.
And the Arabic version of Sonboly yields the same results. One clan member, Ziyad Sonboly likes sniping and he is clearly Syrian with a Syrian flag.
If Ali Sonboly was Iranian, what then is he doing with the flag of Turkey hovering behind him on his Facebook?
There is also a photo of him being arrested and what few know is the Sonboly was being watched by Interpol. They show you his face as a kid when he is a mature individual as the video also shows.
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Source: http://shoebat.com/2016/07/23/the-munich-massacre-is-a-complete-coverup-the-munich-shooters-facebook-including-his-family-background-shows-he-is-not-iranian-but-a-syrian-islamist-pro-turkey/