Glendale Community College
Starting next fall, it will be possible to earn an Armenian language associate’s degree or an Armenian language certificate at Glendale Community College, Glendale News-Press reports.
Completion of either requires 18 units starting with a beginning Armenian I class or Armenian for the Armenian speaking I class. Outside of three grammatical courses, students will have electives from which to choose, consisting of ancient and medieval Armenian literature, Armenian literature in the Enlightenment Era, 20th- and 21st-century Armenian literature, Armenian history and the Armenian diaspora (which are currently available).
As of this spring, Glendale Community College offers only three language degree programs: an associate’s degree, an associate’s degree for transfer in English and an associate’s degree for transfer in Spanish. That is despite 31% of credit students attending the local college identifying with Armenian ethnicity, according to 2016 figures.
The new classes brought immediate praise from one local group.
“We wanted to let you know that we are very excited about the additions to your curriculum in regards to the certificate and the new associate degrees in languages,” said Ida Bobayan, board member of the Glendale chapter of the Armenian National Committee of America, “especially the Armenian language.”
In total, eleven new programs, 18 first-time courses, and 19 revisions have been unanimously voted to be added to the Glendale Community College 2018-19 curriculum.
Along those lines, there will be both new associate’s degrees and certificate programs in French, Japanese, Spanish and Italian.