In a column published on the T24 site, Hasan Cemal criticized Erdogan’s threats issued against Germany after the country’s top legislature has adopted a resolution recognizing the Armenian genocide.
His analysis, with slight shortening, is presented below:
The sultan of the Chamber was very talkative recently, supporting the ban abortions and [urging women to have at least] three children to obey the will of God. “
He continued by saying that “a woman rejecting motherhood is mistaken.”
It calls for “blood test” of Turkish lawmakers who said “yes” to the genocide resolution in the German parliament.
He even dares to say, “Our story is one of mercy and sympathy.”
Probably, we are the most cursed of the earth slaves. We suffer like we were forced to hear the absurd tyrannical comments Erdogan daily.
I do not believe these absurd comments. We do not even know what to do with.
Do we not have [the tragic pages] on 6 and 7 September in our history “compassionate and merciful” (columnist refers to the Istanbul- pogrom ed)? What pogroms Corum? And those of Kahramanmaras? Ask pogroms in Madimac never arrived?
Or pogroms Suru, Cizre, Nusaybin, Sirnak, Yuksekova Silvan never mentioned in chapters merciful and our history.
Be a little honest, please!
I know you never had before this kind of attitude toward the history of these lands. In private conversations, you will admit the coarse and brutal treatment against those who lived on them.
Those days are now in the distant past.
You are now on your way to tyranny. You base your own “tyranny”. Every word that comes out of your mouth today is in line with your totalitarian mindset. You decide how many children we should have. You’re the one who said. “God wants at least three children”
You allow yourself to say that a woman not wanting to bear a child is wrong.
Yes, it’s the head of a tyrant.
But the head is not satisfied that, as it continues to spread racism and preach hatred.
Stéphane © armenews.com