The challenges facing Armenia today,
Civil society – range of actors from NGOs to social movements and grassroots groups
The private sector -small & medium businesses, large corporations
International organisations and financial institutions – e.g., the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, the UN agencies
Individuals – in Armenia and in the diaspora.s
Defining civil society
A concept with a long heritage in Western thought – from Ancient Greece, Rome to the 17th-18th Century Enlightenment
Also see other interveiws Exploring Armenia, Episode 2 The Coffee Shop Success with a touch of love Story
Video Interveiw Armenian Honorary Consul Bangkok
Exploring Armenia’s potential, Episode 1 Inaugurating Adopt A Village Project
The challenges facing Armenia today.
Actors & institutions in policy processes
Defining civil society
A concept with a long heritage in Western thought – from Ancient Greece, Rome to the 17th-18th Century Enlightenment