Press TV has conducted an interview with Haitham Alsibahie, from the Syrian Social Club, in London, about the issue of Turkey building a wall along parts of its border with Syria amid growing concerns of a spillover of the Syria conflict.
– Is the wall a sign that Turkey’s policies in favor of the insurgents are backfiring on Ankara itself?
– I remember sitting here on your channel two years ago saying that the policy of Mr. Erdogan and his government is wrong.
Mr. Erdogan he made many mistakes. He carried out the policy of his group and the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, but not the interests of Turkey.
When he opened Istanbul airport and other airports for terrorists to come through, to land in those airports and take the visa across Turkey to the south, arm them just before the border and push them to Syria, he thought this was some sort of magic wand, but the magic now is turning on the magician.
Everybody knows in this world that the terrorist has no color, has no face; they are only interested in their ideology, which is destruction, controlling and carrying out their policies.
So now, Erdogan or Turkey is going to turn against those and we’ve seen it recently in the area of Azaz and Abab, they are turning. They have planted a bomb before in Rahanieh; they are trying to attack in Ankara and these terrorists will turn against Turkey the minute Turkey tries to stop them crossing the borders back and forward, they will turn against the Turkish government.
And Turkey is a large country and I don’t think the security service in Turkey will be able to hold these elements.
– Turkey has also officially said that it is not allowing terrorist or extremist groups or radical groups to cross through its border – It’s been saying that is has never done that. What do you think about that?
– There is proof. Mr. Belhadj, he is wanted on the International Terrorist List. Lots of them came from Libya and landed in Istanbul. And let me tell you something, they need a visa in Istanbul to enter Turkey where they are transported to the south of Turkey; and near the NATO airbase, there is a training ground.
Every newspaper in Europe, every writer and journalist in Europe has written about this. This is not to be hidden.
I say, as a Syrian person, we don’t have a problem with the Turkish population, most of the population near our border they have families in Syria and Syrian families have family in Turkey. We are close.
And don’t forget that the years before that Syria who opened for the group the way to the Arab countries. We were hoping for Mr. Erdogan when he had the problem with Israel is to stand with the right cause and the right justice for Palestine, to stand with us, to stand with our coalition with the Islamic Republic of Iran, with Syria, so we can control our area.
But unfortunately, Mr. Erdogan went and listened to his masters in the United States, listened to his masters in Europe and he thought he was going to enter the EEC (European Economic Community). Let me tell you something – Turkey when it is standing like this will never enter the EEC, the EEC doesn’t want Turkey.
For Turkey the best hope is to walk with its neighbors for the region and we will be master for our region. Nothing comes, the Americans the British or anyone to say what they have to say to control our region. That’s what we were hoping for from Mr. Erdogan.
But unfortunately, Mr. Erdogan believed completely in them and in something else and he was deceiving everyone. And the clear phrase now we know that he is going to pay the price as President Bashar al-Assad said.
– Our guest in Istanbul was saying you can’t say it as a fact that Turkey is supporting terrorism or is allowing terrorists to use its border. What’s your response to that?
– Let me say one thing. Turkey has a good security service known for many years. Turkey could have closed its own border.
Lots of gunmen are crossing from various crossing points, back to Turkey when they want – and they come back. Omar al-Dadakhi was living in Turkey. Who is sitting on Istanbul? Some elements of what the so-called Free Syrian Army are planning attacks and the car bombs in Damascus and in other cities. Why are these people in Istanbul? What did we (Syrians) do to Erdogan?
And there is one other point. We remember the Turkey jet fighter was crossing by the sea to attack some spots in Syria, there were a delegation from the Turkish people and from the Turkish businessmen at that time in Damascus.
Syria always said from the beginning we can talk to Turkey and we can close our border from our side and Turkey close its border from its side. But Mr. Erdogan doesn’t want that.
I have nothing against Turkey. Mr. Erdogan, he might lose in the election next March and he goes and another government is to come. But the policy of the government is what we have a problem with. The policy of listening to the United States.
And we all know what Syria went through for two and a half years – this is nothing to hide at the moment. What Syria went through for two and half years; and the attacks in Syria and the car bombs and the killing and maiming and eating bodies in Syria. Where do these people come from?
General Abdul Hamid, what is he doing in Istanbul? And the others, what are they doing in Istanbul? They are directed.
Mr. Erdogan was hoping for the Qatari and the Saudi money; but these people also turned against him. They are closing the tap at the moment, there is no money.
Ask your guests, how many businesses in the south of Turkey have suffered because of this policy? The people, there are factories being shut, all of the factories, most of our factories in Aleppo, the equipment is transported to Turkey. You tell me or anyone tell me how factory machinery can go to Turkey without a certificate of origin, without an invoice – It’s all stolen and taken across the border.
– Do you think that Turkey is now going in the way of shifting at least partially its policy toward the insurgents with the news that we’re getting now?
– Well, Mr. Erdogan, if he wanted a wall for the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood this is a problem; he if wanted a wall for the interests of Turkey, that’s a different thing.
Let me say something very quickly… I was, in May 2012, in the CHP conference in Istanbul. I was there and let your guest tell you how students are in prison, how many journalists are in prison, how many people are in prison in Turkey? This slogan thing about human rights and democracy and all this, Erdogan doesn’t understand this.