New political candidates are lining up, trying to land a photo op with him, if not a full endorsement.
Incumbents – on the other hand – are trying not to irritate the man, who has declared WAR on many of them except for Senator Ted Cruz and on the Republican National Committee.
So here is what Bannon is thinking about the topics which matter;
Bannon shocked many, when he said to a reporter that – despite his then boss, Trump’s threats – there is not really a military option about North Korea, without killing, “ten million people in Seoul in the first 30 minutes of any US military attack …”
Many believe that, that was the last straw, which caused him to be ousted from the White House.
Bannon doubles down on his infamous remark by now.
I ask if he stands by, “They got us…?”
He says shortly: “No military solution” for the North Korean crisis.
But he is aiming towards, at least two “more dangerous situations, people should pay attention to…”
“Turkey is the biggest danger for us (US)!” He tells us with conviction. “No, not even close to (its neighbor) Iran…” He waves his hand in total rejection.
“No! We don’t read well what is going on in Turkey right now, under (President Recep Tayyip) Erdogan!! This is an issue I am going to pursue hard.”
Bannon simply loves to declare a new war. In fact – when he was fired from the White House, it took, a senior editor of Breitbart, seconds to tweet #WAR.
His next global war – he shares with a smile – is against Qatar.
“I credit Donald Trump on the measures taken against Qatar by the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The boycott happened shortly after the (Trump) visit to Saudi Arabia, just like that…”
According to Bannon, Trump said that he backed Saudi Arabia’s stance even if he recently said he wanted to mediate this dispute.
Bannon added: “Qatar is as dangerous as North Korea! People should pay attention to this important situation.” He was referring to accusations against Qatar of backing extremist and terrorist groups.
Source: https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/1066421/steve-bannon-turkey-more-dangerous-iran