More than twenty cars CRS and numerous barriers had barricaded the Turkish Consulate in Marseille on Avenue du Prado. A measure requiring some 1,200 protesters around the barricades and install a few dozen meters from the Turkish Consulate.
Holder parolle CFC-Marseille-Provence, Julien Harounyan, began by thanking those present. Among them Vartan Sirmakes, General Consul of Armenia in Marseille with his vice-consul. He also thanked the ecclesiastical many churches present at the event, as well as elected Armenian, Didier Parakian (Deputy Mayor of Marseille) and Garo Hovsepian (Councillor). He also thanked Pascal Chamassian member of the national CFC and Isidore Aragonès Marseilles responsible CRIF.
Finally he thanked the Greek communities, and Assyrian-Chaldean Cypriots for their participation in the ceremonies of the 99th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. Donabédian Jacques, president of CFC-Marseille-Provence has been during his speech, widely booed by youth. Following remarks criminalizing Armenian youth, the latter replied by large whistles … Jacques Donabédian nevertheless continued his long speech, recalling the stages of the recognition of the Armenian genocide and the right to justice of the Armenian people.
Then Julien Harounyan concludes another very energetic speech-but leave the floor to two elected Armenians and Garo Hovsepian Didier Parakian that would nevertheless deserved to be heard, then invited the audience to gather around a Mass at the Cathedral Armenian Prado, located within walking distance. One hundred young people still smoke burned face tens of CRS protecting the Turkish Consulate chanting slogans and calling for Turkey to recognize the Armenian genocide. The morning near 2,500 protesters marched through the streets of Beaumont (12th arrondissement) to gather on the square of 24 April.
Krikor Amirzayan, text and photo-reportage
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