This Friday, March 21, 2014 at the dawn of the village Kessab Syria, near the Turkish border, was attacked by jihadist militants from Turkey.
Kessab being the only Armenian village of the former Ottoman Empire situated outside the boundaries of modern Turkey, is mostly populated by Armenians who were able, after the genocide, return to their land.
This attack on the initiative of the Turkish state, this last living survivors of the Armenian genocide and forced nearly 670 families to flee their villages to leave their homes and seek refuge in Latakia (with friends, churches …). For the third time, Armenian Kessab are forced Turkey to leave their homes and their historical land (in 1909, 1915 and this time in 2014).
The rebels sent by Turkey also looted the houses, destroyed government buildings and killed Syrian soldiers who tried to defend the village. This assault indicating a willingness of ethnic cleansing reminiscent of the darkest pages of Turkish history. This also echoes many Armenian departures from this region following about a rebellious Turkmen (Syrian Turkish origin) in October 2012 the Armenian population warning: “Let the Armenian Kessab leave before the offensive of ‘Free Syrian Army, otherwise they will be civilian casualties and still complain about a perpetrated by the Turks “genocide.
On the eve of the centenary of the Genocide of Armenian young activists of the Armenian cause in France can not contain their sense of revolt against the intolerable jeopardizes Turkey.
FRA Nor Seround expresses its deep indignation against the situation of Armenians Kessab and denounces the willingness of Turkey to perfect the genocidal act by attempting removal and displacement of Armenians residing on their historical lands.
National Bureau FRA Nor Seround – France
Jean Eckian ©