Jean-Pierre Kotchian
The Jean-Pierre Etienne Kotchian Prize winner Lucien Neuwirth on the feast of the Book of Saint-Etienne with “Red Mountains”, in this first novel tells the story of his family of Armenian origin. Portrait.
“I wrote this book for my family, so that we never forget where we come from.” When Jean-Pierre Kotchian discusses his Armenian roots, has a sob in his voice. “I have no animosity, my only desire is to be recognized as genocide.”
This genocide which his father’s family has suffered so much that has led to the departure of his father his homeland. He says in this first novel, The Red Mountain, the story of a father born in 1912 in Ankara.
“His words were like music”
“My father sold shoes Badouillère street in Saint-Etienne, he had a small stall cobbler.” Jean-Pierre Kotchian evokes with great sensitivity his childhood and the genesis of his book.
“Often he would tell me stories of the past, I was 11 and I was a real pleasure to listen. He had narrative gifts, a vivid imagination. With a very good auditory memory, I recorded his words. His words was like music that resonated and was printed in my head. Much later, in the late 90s, I slept on paper all these memories, and then I forgot these sheets slipped into a book on the history of Armenia. There is a little over two years, while I was chatting with a friend at home, I took the book to tell him about Armenia and the leaves have fallen. I saw a sign. I took these notes, I did historical research on the internet. My mother, of Greek origin, who is 94 years old today, had also collected the words of my father telling his adventures. It was then that I began to shape the story I wanted to bring novel. “
“The price-Lucien Neuwirth, very proud”
Later, Jean-Pierre Kotchian owes a Friend Bruno Testa writer, who put him in contact with Utopia editions. The book is published in 600 copies at the beginning of last summer.
Presented at the festival of the Book of Saint-Etienne, he was selected among the many manuscripts which are eligible for prizes. And it is to his surprise that Jean-Pierre Kotchian learns he has the Lucien Neuwirth price.
“I was at the awards evening at St. Stephen Convention Center, never imagined that I would be called on stage. When I heard my name I was stuck, it is as if I had received a big blow on the head. I thought of my father, to Armenia and I felt very proud to receive this award. “
Presented by the directors of France Bleu, the Tribune-The Progress in the presence of the President of the Press Club and communication of the Loire Editor of France 3 Loire, the price fills our author Etienne.
“From the outset, the next day people came to meet me in the tent of the book festival, it was great. Today I seek a publisher in Turkey. I want the book to be translated into Turkish and Armenian “adds the author who never ceases to both historical research but also genealogical.
“I found the Kotchian in Syria there are few, I’m in the footsteps of all those people, those cousins and friends, including my father spoke to me and all of which were scattered by the exodus.”
Martine Goubatian