Everyone belonging to the nation has duties to fulfill towards the nation. This in turn has duties to perform with respect to any individual belonging. In addition, each individual holds the rights of the nation and the nation of individuals.
The power that defines the duties and guarantees these rights is called “national government”. By a special privilege and for the first time in 1860, the Ottoman Porte bestowed the national government of Turkish Armenia administration internal affairs of Armenians in Turkey.
The national government is based on the principle of right and duty, which are the foundations of justice, his strength is in the majority of the votes, which is the basis of legitimacy.
Any national measure which does not conform to these principles is neither fair nor legitimate.
This is in these terms that was adopted the first national government of Turkish Armenians by the Ottoman Porte recognized formalized by Armenian National Constitution [1] .
On the basis of the Armenian National Constitution in 1860 were 60 deputies elected representatives of the Armenian nation 50 provincial constituencies of the Ottoman Empire.
District |
Number of representatives |
District |
Number of representatives |
1 – Jerusalem
2 – Egypt 3 – Aleppo 4 – Cyprus Tarâous, Sis) 5 – Marasch 6 – Hadjin 7 – Zeïthoun 8 – Adana 9 – Edessa 10 – Amid (Dikranagert) 11 – Kurdistan 12 – Baghdad 13 – Bidlis 14 – Van 15 – Aghtamar 16 – Guy 17 – Mush 18 – Erzenga 19 – Bayburt 20 – Erzurum (Garin) 21 – Karpert 22 – Arabguer 23 – Palou 24 – Kéghi 25 – Eguine 26 – Divrig |
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 |
27 – Malathia
28 – Gurin 29 – Antheb 30 – Kilis 31 – schabin Karahisar 32 – Sivas (Sebastia) 33 – Tokat 34 – Marsevan 35 – Amasie 36 – Trebizond 37 – Djanig 38 – Yeuzghat 39 – Caesarea 40 – Galatia 41 – Koutaïeh 42 – Smyrna 43 – Bush 44 – Banderma 45 – Nicomedia 46 – Rodostho 47 – Adrianople 48 – Wallachia 49 – Moldova 50 – Varna
Total |
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1
60 |
Components Turkish Armenia (Western) territories were defined and recognized inter alia in 14 international documents since 1878:
1 – In the Art. 16 of the Treaty of San Stefano
2 – In Article 61 of the Treaty of Berlin, for the provinces of Erzurum, Van, Bitlis, Kharpert Diarbekir and Sivas, an area of 248,000 km2 (96,000 square miles) have been recognized as territories of Armenia;
3 – In the 1895 memorandum on reforms for the Armenian people under the terms of the Ambassadors six provinces and Cilicia are recognized as areas of Turkish Armenia;
4 – Under the terms of measures of Reform dated 8 February 1914, agreed between Germany and Turkey on the one hand, and Russia, which represents the Agreement and the Armenians, on the other hand, acting the direction of the Conference of Ambassadors in London in 1913, said the six Armenian provinces and the province of Trebizond, represent an area of 282, 000 km2 (109,000 square miles) have been considered parts of Turkish Armenia.
5 – With regard to the declaration of the Triple Entente (France, Britain and Russia) from 24 May 1915, taking responsibility for the Turkish government massacres “new crimes against humanity and civilization” committed by Turkey in Armenia. ”
6 – Under the terms of the Russian decree of the month December 1917 recognizing the independence of Western Armenia called Turkish.
7 – According to the terms of Art .14 Armistice of Mudros with Turkey and the Allies of October 30, 1918 stating that the six provinces in this way “the six Armenian provinces” and according to Art.16 mentioning Cilicia.
8 – According to the Paris Conference of 19 January 1920, the Allied Powers recognize or Western Armenia said Turkey as an indivisible part of the independent Armenian state.
9 – According to the Preamble of the “conditions of peace”, which later became the Preamble of the Treaty of Sèvres, Armenia is mentioned among the Allied Powers. The Armenian government is well recognized “de jure” May 11, 1920, the Turkish delegates convened by the Conference to receive the “conditions of peace”, see the representatives of the Armenian State sit among those States Allies.
10 – According to Article 88 of the Treaty of Sevres and Turkey declares that it recognizes, as have done the Allied Powers, Armenia (Western Armenia Armenian Republic + Caucasus) as a free and independent state.
11 – According to the Arbitral Award of President Woodrow Wilson on 22 November 1920 drawing borders of Western Armenia.
12 – According to the London Conference of the Supreme Council in March 1921 recognizing the Armenian indigenous people of Western Armenia the right to form a “Home” independent National Home.
13 – According to the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, Resolution 1514 (XV) of the General Assembly dated 14 December 1960 [2] .
14 – According to the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by 144 States September 13, 2007 within the framework of the United Nations.
Moreover, before the avalanche of international recognition, only the European Parliament denied June 18, 1987 by Article 2 of the Resolution on a political solution to the Armenian Question [3] , the inalienable rights of Armenians in Western Armenia adopting the following formula “emphasizes that the recognition of these historic events as genocide can not give rise to any claim of political, legal or material order at today’s Turkey;”.
Worse, Turkey and the Armenian Republic in the Caucasus have tried in total disregard of the rights of Armenians of Western Armenia settle definitively the Armenian Question by signing protocols [4] released on September 1, 2009 [5] .
Since relying on,
a) The official statement of the National Council of Armenians of Western Armenia (adopted December 17, 2004) [6] and the declaration on the “Rights of Armenians from Western Armenia” (adopted January 20, 2007) [7] .
b) The establishment of a government in exile Western Armenia (adopted February 4, 2011) [8] and the corresponding structuring of the State (adopted March 2, 2011) decisions.
c) The decision of formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of West at the 5th National Congress of Armenians of Western Armenia (adopted 30 November 2012 Armenia) [9] .
State that is contrary to any legal and any right to recognize the Turkish government, a premium to the Armenian Genocide of 1894-1923, which has upset the ratio of nationalities in Western Armenia.
Unable today their reduced and the occupation of their land and territory, the persecutions, extermination and plundering by successive governments of Turkey number oppose the legitimate rights of Armenians from Western Armenia.
The jurisdiction of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia lies on the territory of the State (de jure) today occupied Western Armenia and Armenian provinces recognized as (de facto) in taking into account:
a) the border between Turkey and Western Armenia by the Arbitral Award of the 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson (22 November 1920).
b) historical Armenia, including the independent Western Armenia and the Armenian Cilicia, according to “the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples” Resolution 1514 (XV) of the General Assembly UN dated 14 December 1960.
c) as an indigenous nation, the Armenians of Western Armenia rulers historical, political, genealogical, cultural, inalienable and undeniable, according to the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by the UN September 13, 2007) .
Jurisdiction applies to the provinces and territories specified below,
1. Wan
2. Bitlis
3. Erzurum (Garin)
4. Trabzon (Hamshen)
5. Sivas (Sebastia)
6. Diyarbakir (Dikranagert)
7. Kharput (Kharberd)
8. Cilicia (including Caesarea, Marash, Adana, Marash, Aintap, Antioch)
9. Kars (and Surmalu)
10. Javakheti,
11. Nakhchivan
May 24, 2013 has started the registration process on the website, fellow Armenian Western and non-governmental organizations and patriotic associations on the voters list for the elections of deputies to the National Assembly (Parliament ) from Western Armenia.
Are citizens of the Western Armenia (Fatherland) anyone who can prove that they have originated from the Fatherland (Western Armenia) or birth even after several generations, justifying its filiation with respect, at least, to a parent (direct genetic link).
Then, on 1 June 2013, started from Western Armenia through citizen petition candidate registration process (es) considering to be elected members of the National Assembly (Parliament) on the basis of specific forms, specifying the recording conditions.
Registration on the list of candidates was held from October 1, 2013 to October 22, 2013 at 24:00 Web site.
Elections began November 22, 2013 at 00:00 hours Garin until 1 December 2013 at 00h00 (on the website of the Central Electoral Commission or in writing).
Results approved by the Central Election Commission elections will be published December 17, 2013.
The formation of a National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia is one of the founder of the state mechanisms, including the draft Constitution, which confirms the date of the first session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Western Armenia.
Following the votes [10] , the group members [11] corresponding to 64 elected candidates will serve for a period of 5 years should be finally approved by the Western Armenia Armenian National Council, the supreme body of the State West.