The scientific and German historian Michael Hasemann just published in Germany the book “an den Armeniern Völkermord” (Armenian Genocide) whose essential elements is based on the revelation of the Vatican secret archives. During 5 years, the German historian searched the documents relating to the genocide of Armenians in the Vatican archives are drawing some 3000 pages of documents that can shed new light on the genocide. Historians had once got hold of the documents of the German archives, USA, Italy, Austria, but the Vatican archives remained closed to researchers.
It proves especially from those documents that the Vatican Pope Benedict XV had written two handwritten letters to the Sultan to ask him to stop the massacre of the Armenians. Letters unanswered effects. After that the Pope would have alerted the world public opinion about the fate of Armenians slaughtered in the Ottoman Empire. Michael’s book Hasemann “Völkermord an den Armeniern” was released in Germany in April and the author hopes the face of success, it will be translated into Armenian and published in Armenia. He also hopes that the Vatican documents related to Armenian genocide are received by the Academy of Sciences of Armenia. Michael Hasemann also claims that today the Vatican has a very important role in the recognition of the genocide, including the declaration of Pope Francis in April recognizing the Armenian genocide.
Krikor Amirzayan