photographer Antoine Agoudjian
By Antoine Agoudjian
REPORT – For one month, photographer Antoine Agoudjian accompanied the Iraqi soldiers in the front line against the Daech fighters. He brings back images that bear witness to the brutality of the clashes to retake the neighborhood still in the hands of the executioners of the Islamic state.
We had been stuck for several hours already, like a mousetrap. In our ears whistled the shrill sound of the snipers firing positioned in the alleys facing us. That day again, no helicopters in the sky to support our advance in the narrow alleys of Mosul-West. A few days earlier, Daech’s men, who have been holding the city since 2014, managed to shoot down a plane, and the pilots refused to fly in bad weather. We were alone. “
On the front line, a Humvee (armored vehicle equipped with a machine gun), harassed by sniper fire, headed for the combat zone. Photo credits: ANTOINE AGOUDJIAN
In the midst of this deluge, frozen with blood and dust, leaden by the dull and foolish sound of war, Antoine …
Source: http://www.lefigaro.fr/international/2017/06/02/01003-20170602ARTFIG00050–mossoul-voyage-au-bout-de-l-enfer.php