In 2013 the number of people wishing to leave Azerbaijan grew upto 63,7%. The number of people experiencing material difficulties grew as well. These are the results of the nationwide survey conducted by the sociological service “ADAM” a month before the presidential election to be held on October 9. As the Azerbaijani news agency Turan reports the survey was conducted within the framework of the project “Community Youth Center” held by the Baku “Center for Economic and Political Studies” FAR CENTRE.
The survey revealed deterioration of financial situation of respondents.Only 04 % were completely satisfied with their financial situation (6.9% – 2012). The number of respondents saying that do not experience material difficulties has declined by 2.4%. Number of those who experience financial difficulties has increased from 30% to 40.7%. 7.5% stated that they experience great financial difficulties.
Number of people wishing to leave the Azerbaijan increased as well. Thus, 19.1 % would like to permanently leave the country. To leave for some time wished 44.6 % residents (from 63.7 %) ( 62.1 % – 2012).
50.6 % of respondents believe that in the next three years their life will improve; 39.7 % think that life will deteriorate. 56.3 % of respondents want the country to develop in the direction of European countries; 19.7 % – follow the path of the Soviet Union and 2.4% – on the way of Sharia states. In the same time 14.8 % – the changes are not needed, the country is doing well.
It says that 62.5 % of the respondents believe in God, but do not perform religious rites, 14.7 % believe in God and regularly perform religious ceremonies, 21.7 % – believe in God, but make religious practices irregularly.
The number of respondents who often had to bribe has increased to 36.8%, 38.5 % stated that they rarely give a bribe, only 22.4 % did not have to pay bribes (26.6 % – 2012).
Surveying was conducted from 14th August to 14th September 2013. The total number of respondents totaled 1,000 people in Baku, Mingachevir, Sheki, Ganja, Lankaran and Guba. Questions were asked personally in the streets to people aged 18 years and older on condition of anonymity. The results were processed by the program SPSS 13.0.