Transmitted from generation to generation traditional tales, legends and poetry, not with strong personality and political stance left deep scars on the Armenian culture Tumanyan, 145 this year once again with the birth anniversary of Armenian is spoken in all geographies Known by various activities.
Sarkis Seropyan
AGOS Some remarkable periods in the history of nations, equipped with extraordinary features may lead to the emergence of artists. Hovhannes Tumanyan lived in the years 1869-1923 the most turbulent period in Armenian history testifies. Just been transferred from generation to generation traditional tales, legends and poetry, not with strong personality and political stance left deep scars on the Armenian culture Tumanyan, 145 this year once again with the birth anniversary of Armenian is spoken in all geographies Known by various activities. On this occasion we also need her extraordinary life story with both free translation of the works we wanted to introduce to our readers.
Lori was born in the mountain village of modest TSEG Tumanyan’s perhaps the biggest chance of his father’s pastor, uncle of providing education to the village children can be explained by a village consisting of teachers. Remove this occasion to read at a young age in a very short time Hovhannes Tumanyan had the opportunity to go to school. However Tumanyan mainly people for thousands of years with tales, legends, love of beauty was born in a culture that hoarded these follow. So first of these was fed from oral sources and further substantially all literary contribution to this oral literature was performed retrospectively.
Great compiler of oral literature
Tumanyan opened the eyes of the geography, the abode of the surrounding mountains, that fairy tales, was the residence of the legends at the same time. This geography, time zone and homeland experienced Tumanyan’s literary stories have shaped the way. Part of this great heritage with her own feelings and knead again was to offer people again. In a sense, the contemporary art Gomidas’l the same shared journey. Midas centuries when compiling tunes circulating in the language of the people, Tumanyan again based on the origin of ancient times was to bring a new breath to the legend. ‘Sassounites Davit’ legend told since time immemorial among the Armenians a theme, but most of us today, we read with her Tumanyan’s style is. Same thing ‘Akhtamar’ for poetry or ‘Anoush’ can be said for opera libretto. At this point we need to dwell on things, especially simple and sincere expression Tumanyan’s extraordinary ability. Famous literary Stepan Zorian, his fancy words without the need for his plight can tell the direction which emphasize personally Tumanyan transfer from the “Sometimes a word alone is a narration,” a phrase her how a meticulous writer as evidence that the offers.
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Should a life of political struggle and social solidarity
On the other hand, each artist independently of their original personality and imagination, but also lived in time, space and society are shaped with which they impose. Hovhannes Tumanyan precisely for this reason as well as the poetry, we salute the socialist personality.
Tumanyan to enter the social movements of the 1880s, coincided with the end. In that period, especially in Western Armenian society witnessed the freedom movements are gaining prevalence. Illegal political entities organized and established in 1888, the social democratic party is Hinchak. In this period of Tumanyan lived in the city of Tbilisi is etkinlen directly from these political and intellectual currents. The Apovy Anuşav friend who, from 1886-1887 Tumanyan’s political organization is in contact with it, that tells you that attended their meetings. His wife Olga Tumanyan, the husband of the Armenian liberation movement in the first activist Aleksandr Goloşyan’l close contact that, in 1888, a gun buy that, Western Armenia decided to go on that, but illness prevented that mentioned that.
‘Remember Verna’ literary community
Tumanyan limited in the life story of the journey was also associated with all these political activities. On the other hand, occurs when generating a chaotic political environment inevitability of extending a helping hand to victims especially solidarity organization led poet. Hamidian regiments since 1895 massacre of a large number of social orphans and underprivileged children in need of support could hear. In this sense, the so-called Armenian Hovhannes Tumanyan briefly HOM was among the founders of the Union of Charitable but the turmoil was arrested by the Czarist police in the environment.
At this point, the social activities of Tumanyan in Tbilisi in 1899, Behruty street number 44 in the attic of the house also the need to establish the unity of the literature. Especially ‘Vernam did’ (roof) as Armenian literature history last occurrence of the term famous writers Ghazaros the network, the Ave’ve Issahakian, Levon Shant, Terenik Demirjian and Nikola Ağbalyan’s least twice a week collecting literature chats they perform a space is. Berc Broşy, the Muratsi, the Vrtanes Papazian, Priest midas Kevork Başinçağy painter and Panos Terlemezian the Vernadun was one of the regulars. Therefore, under the leadership of Tumanyan many names from different artistic fields have come together for joint work was inspiring. Did you place towards the end of 1908 Vernam left Caucasian Armenian Writers Association. Hovhannes Tumanyan’s presidency again, his one of the most important activities of this association, Sayat-Nova ‘Daft,’ the handwriting of council was to be delivered to the museum in Yerevan bulunarak.
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The Art of the October Revolution and Tumanyan
Yet before the October Revolution, the Armenian people great son of the pilgrims are Apovyan and Mikael Nalbandian’s safety remains faithful to Hovhannes Tumanyan, “the Armenian people the salvation of all from Russia was from Russia will be the fact that” meant. Tumanyan while praising the great Russian people, the peoples of tsarist Russia, dividing stifled progress in policy did not hide that look entirely negative. Meanwhile, in a letter written in 1919 to a Georgian intelligentsia “artificial antagonism created between our peoples, the natural love and brotherhood and is much stronger than anticipated,” he said.
Indeed, finding expression in the works of class struggle is quite strong, ‘huckster with the King’ (1917) in his work verse (legend) as:
… And always, inasmuch as there
Shah and imprisoned, enslaved, and, with
Earth will not promise you honest, nor life, nor love.
Critical Overview humanist poet former relationships refusing new public relations creation to the idea of reach and people all kinds of exploitation, abuse survived, emancipated the peace and tranquility on the basis sited as the peoples’ friendship toward a passage leads.
In 1918, the imperialist invaders Caucasus from Russia to allocate having achieved the Mensheviks, Dashnak and Musavatçı cooperation with entering the area brother, sister shoot that begin when the Tumanyan this bloody policy against to express anger is not slow in and as usual in spite of everything the people next, belonged to him indicates that . Therefore, contemporary, renowned author Terenig Demirjian, “belongs to the people, being people of troubadours be Tumanyan’s theory and practice was,” and the Armenian nation’s greatest poet of the most significant aspects of one of the identified in this way would have.
Indeed Tumanyan’s 1880 half of all start writing the first verse, from the early 1920s up to now all the creativity path “People to be closer to his life to identify with, understand it and art through his past and today, psychology, its sacred ideals to express “has been. He works aimed at the people of this consciousness and pain, suffering, and share their dreams for the future have a nice.
Hovhannes Tumanyan’s warm narrative, full of enthusiasm, which takes its inspiration from the works of the younger generation is still remembered today if his cause, a ‘minstrel’ is, and will always remain so understood better. People know the power of the pieces of work from the vessel therefore always up to date and never will lose value.
Poet of all Armenians!
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Hovhannes Tumanyan’s personality and posture One of the striking features on the sharp intelligence and dexterity in the use of language is. At this point the poet narrates about many anecdotes. One of the most popular of these are as follows:
Holy Echmiadzin Monastery, which gathered around that time, immigrants were broken every day from hunger and epidemics. One day, before the drizzle started to rain, as if falling into the firmament delinmişçe turned into a downpour. Tumanyan day until he did what no one had the courage and the newly opened Başpatriklik (which Vehar) opening wide the doors of the migrants are protected from the rain helped. Başpatrik (Gatoğigos) Fifth Kevork and his behavior was very rough to do something similar again warned him about. Tumanyan behave in the same way if needed, he said. It stood up on the Echmiadzin “Against All Armenians Gatoğigo there on,” he puzzlement. Tumanyan’s response was sharp. “You also have in front Poet of all Armenians!”
Tumanyan’s ready cevaplıg it all in a short time in Armenia and was heard around the world, and then it turned into an adjective describing. Moreover, not at all unfair to an adjective …
Tumanyan’s memorable quatrains
Tumanyan’s particular form of mania penned quatrains considered the most important works. Well, really, this striking type of folk literature Tumanyan’s pen deeply in the hearts trembled once again turns to the products. Moreover, in these four lines the poet reads from the depths of the collective memory also offer a humanistic philosophy. The following examples are examples according to this philosophy insacıl:
“In my dream I saw a sheep,
Questioned bencileyin:
– Rights of the store, boy,
Did my sweet little lamb? ”
Human-shattering, eat all of the rows of string to the neck of lamb meat Tumanyan then provokes our minds, not our feelings at this time.
“People who eat these bloody idiot mouth
Thousands marched century to be a killer,
Unsparing hand-blooded killer Cana
There are more ways to be human ”
4-4-3 rhythm in their own language and eleven syllables each four lines described in this impressive new transfer so you may need to fill pages.
Tumanyan’s poetry is another feature which is very valuable in terms of the words in the string is created musicality and poetry adequately translators translators Tumanyan’s very difficult and will agree that he is a tough deal.
Paregent the (Carnival Day)
***There was once upon a time there was a husband and wife from the time of the tune.
To the stupidity of man and wife, the husband’s fried woman.
One day the man a few kilos of rice flour, oil took a cube come home.
His wife angrily began to say:
– Flour and oil Bunce than once why did you, if you do not have a wedding association was Rumi’s father?
– Stupid wife, Paregent future. For Paregent bought it, he said. Woman took and hid relieved and rations.
Days past the time past, that does not come Paregent wait wait! One day she looked at home sitting in front of one of the man’s saunter along the street. Huh, within said, that should be Paregent. The man called out:
– Hui brothers who Paregent you?
Man woman understood that a board is missing. He will say, guess what, he said.
– HE sister, I’m Paregentan, what are you saying to me?
– I’m saying here, is there to guard your property? We do we have to hide your fat rice, enough informal, take away the following, with the oil, flour, rice has been put in front of him. Adam:
– What are you upset my sister, that said, I have already come to his house I was looking for you.
Man hit rice flour on his shoulder, took the cube seat was hurried into the woods.
A little later her husband came home, female:
– Haha, he said, came when you Paregent, gave possessions gone.
– ‘What Paregentan, what goods?’ understood without having to say the truth.
– Oh you’re mindless woman of the house collapsed, I’m not saying you’re stupid vain, especially since what say go?
Women showed the way the man behaved forest, pulled his horse from the stables of Paregentan fallen mounted as to advance.
Paregent progresses in the woods when he heard the sound of hooves cube sack and hid behind a tree, came into its own in the road. Started wait. Mounted hastily asked:
– Hello, brother, passed here one sack cube?
– Passed.
– Which way did he go?
– Aha inverse of their way since he showed his hand.
– It Was my horse if I catch you?
– It’s hard to keep up, but do not. He is emitting you’re on horseback.
– Why is that so?
– Why do you have? Your horse’s four legs, then two. Your horse bier-UUC-of-two advancing to the doort saying that one-two, one-two, one-two saying goes.
Pure peasant confused.
– Then you keep an eye on this horse I’m grown now tag along, she said, gave the horse reins in the hands of man, have kept their own path of the forest.
The happy man spoils, goods taken off from behind the tree, upload horse on the horse as their own, disappeared in the woods.
He still fights today is the day to tune out if they were husband and wife.
– The foolish woman, flour oil away!
– You’re more mindless, the top horse away!
Paregent while listening to them, though rose.
Do Gatil Meg (One Drop Honey)
One of these days One man in the village
Shops opened,
Was selling trinkets.
Saddlebags on his shoulder, behind it
Z showed up a shepherd:
– O shopkeeper intellectuals of the day
If give me a cup of honey.
Do-No no, shepherd brothers
You will pass that bowl …
Sweet affection,
Words sweeter than honey
While putting honey design,
He fell in a droplet
Old carpet on the floor.
Dzz, a house fly away
Earl turned turned into honey.
Shop lethargic cat
Was thrown on the fly,
Seeing this, it is the shepherd
– Pile has caught flounder,
Keep him in the neck with a
One hit a left to right,
The carpet stiff carcass
Wow, said the shopkeeper,
Wow you GeBeReSiCe,
You drowned my spoiled kitty.
Could not get the speed, lowered
Heavy bucket in his hand.
Çomar husband’s forehead
Shot hit ha,
Pile next to the cat.
Wow I’m die valiant education
Fell victim to the sinister,
I’m coming to get honey
You can receive my education.
– Buy it for you,
Said the shepherd
And lowered the stick of boxwood
The shopkeeper’s head.
Grow, grow, grow the
Shouted the villagers.
Who shouted again:
-Growing grow, catch up.
Down from the neighborhood
Up from the neighborhood
Of the road
End of the path
They swarm per
– The bear had come from the mountains
The villagers have killed us …
Who hit the shot from
Woman shot hit children
Elderly hit teen hit
And the shepherd’s dead
Put it next to.
Then you have done a howler
To the people of the neighboring villages:
– Bridal MoEF Get your carcass.
Fire fell to the neighboring village,
-Tuha, said such work,
We let go to get the goods
They let us take the life.
Anger sweet righteous anger,
Who were coming armed.
Whose a carbine
Who’s who in sickle pitchforks,
Başıkabak barefoot,
Army came to the village road.
Inputs to the enemy village,
It’s not what happens,
They shot hit ha,
Died ha died,
And the influx of blood stream
Put an end to the fight.
You say it so close to each other
Door neighbor from two villages
The boundary separating the two states have passed.
Does the focus of these things happen?
Messengers have news
Neighboring states have declared war
Have come past our border
Have ruined our village
De un un un un.
Who have added one more thing on top
News from the king raised him.
– Wow, this time the king,
Supposedly Barister are with us,
If that is the peace of
Let them fight then.
The king did not stop back since,
Hötte have hütte,
DOT has beep,
Country, nation, honor, said,
Mobilization has been declared.
Not villages burned the city,
Drop houses stables,
Fields full of crops,
Burnt burned down to ashes.
Home to mourn fallen
Brides have connected the land,
Departures have gone rotation,
War lasted thirty years.
What you got additional appraiser,
What seeds that germinated,
Eli was holding the soldiers,
People had been killed.
Scarcity of land entered.
They remained in horror,
Patterns of bits that surprised you
They were asked to each other:
From the output of this war-he.