They will not perish
Subscribers to Netflix, which offers streaming movies and TV series on the Internet, has just scheduled the documentary ” They Will not Die: The Story of the Near East, ” a George Billard film, produced by Shant Mardirossian, President Emeritus of the Near East Council Foundation.
The film details the historical events that led to the Armenian Genocide and the unprecedented rescue and humanitarianism that followed, providing assistance to hundreds of thousands of displaced men, women and children.The documentary makes extensive use of newly discovered cinematographic footage and orphan photographic footage taken care of by Near East Relief. He also recounts the foundation’s efforts to raise money and save thousands of orphans from the Armenian Genocide.
They Shall Not Perish: The Story of Near East Relief – Preview from George Billard
At the beginning of the 20th century, an American charity group was formed to offer humanitarian aid to the victims of the Armenian Genocide, one of whose aims was to save a generation of orphans whose families had been killed.
The story of relief efforts is told by actor Victor Garber.
Participants: historians Peter Balakian, Susan Harper and Taner Akçam (sociologist).