13:54, 21 March, 2013

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13:54, 21 March, 2013
12:50, 20 March, 2013
YEREVAN, MARCH 20, ARMENPRESS: After learning about the Armenian Genocide for the very first time, Francis Norton decided to vent his anger over the tragedy. As reports Armenpress referring to The Armenian Weekly, inspired by genocide studies classes the Wilmington High senior sat behind a computer and composed an Armenian symphony he so aptly calls “Hellfire.” He debuted it inside a genocide studies class called “Facing History and Ourselves,” being taught by Lisa Joy Desberg and Maura Tucker.
The two-minute piece is full of ritualistic movement done with cello, violin, piano, and brass with multiple key and tempo changes, much like an early Alan Hovhaness work.
“It’s a dark theme that inspired the Armenian Genocide,” says Norton. “I thought of the mood and subject matter. In some instances, I had to stop writing when I thought about the torment and depression this nation faced. I felt the pain of the victims.”
Members of the Armenian Genocide Education Committee of Merrimack Valley have been making repeated visits to the school for each semester, as well as other communities throughout Greater Boston and Merrimack Valley.
While student essays on the subject of the Armenian Genocide are nothing unusual, the fact that it comes from a totally non-Armenian classroom setting taught by sympathetic instructors remains tantamount to our cause.
“They have a sincere desire to learn from outsiders who’ve approached our school with such motivation as the Armenians,” Desberg pointed out. “They want to be students who make a big difference in the world.”
Tucker’s symphony will be performed during a Merrimack Valley genocide presentation at local churches.
“I told them to pick their means of expression,” said Tucker. “Never did I expect a musical interlude on genocide.”
The results were vast and varied. Out of the assignment came an eclectic poem over an Armenian khatchkar done by Michelle Soel and Katie Finn.”
Another class at Melrose Middle School reciprocated by making a generous donation to the Armenian National Committee of America.
March 19, 2013 | 15:45
After the inauguration ceremony Pope Francis received heads of the states, including President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. .
Pope talked to Sargsyan longer than to other guests, Nouvelles d’Arménie reported.
The website of French Armenians quotes Ulysse Gosset, who was making report for French BFM TV, recalling that Armenia has a special place in Christianity. It is the first state which adopted Christianity as a state religion.
PanARMENIAN.Net – The head of the Central Information Department at NKR President’s Office David Babayan commented on young Azerbaijanis’ decision to organize a tour to Akna (previously called Agdam). Mr Babayan noted the step as another PR action, organized by state intuitions.
“Azerbaijani activists have chosen a wrong path if they truly have such an intention. They should march to Ilham Aliyev’s presidential residence and struggle against the country’s fascist policy. Azeri authorities are the key obstacle to Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement,” Mr Babayan said, adding that such initiatives usually fail due to the small number of supporters.
He further said that Azeri activists will likely come to some Azerbaijani border village, come up with a statement and leave.
A group of young Azerbaijanis have resolved to organize a tour to Akna (previously called Agdam), urging for an unarmed march to Nagorno Karabakh, haqqin.az. reported.
A page has been created on Facebook social network, with the following announcement posted:
“We ourselves will offer a solution to the unresolved problem. Neither the international forces, nor the current authorities will condemn our decision. We are against a war. We are just returning home. Together we will take an unarmed tour to Karabakh! The more people join us, the fewer obstacles we will face. We will prove that we are right,” the post reads.
The organizers called on other activists to join them for May 8 tour.
Young Azerbaijanis participate in the Syrian war on the part of Wahhabis, says an article on Arastabar.ir.
Citing Fakt Xeber, the Iranian website reports that in the Azerbaijani city of Sumgait, Salafi/Wahabbist instructors acquaint their pupils with the Salafist teaching and then after a special training they are sent to participate in the military operations in Syria.
Arannews.ir reported recently that Azerbaijan gave 500,000 euros financial assistance to Syrian terrorists by Turkey’s mediation.
Iran’s Fars news agency said that Turkish National Intelligence Organization had transported 93 members of al-Qaeda and Taliban – nationals of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan – to Istanbul from Pakistan’s North Waziristan region on September 10, 2012, via Turkish Airlines.
Radio Liberty, citing Syria’s state-run news agency SANA, reported on October 19 that Azerbaijani national Hasin Ghazli was killed in a fighting between servicemen and armed terrorists in Aleppo.
Dozens of terrorists were killed in clashes between Syrian government forces and terrorists in Aleppo, one of which was an Azerbaijani national, Arannews.ir said on November 9.
Source: Panorama.am
11:28, 18 March, 2013
YEREVAN, MARCH 18, ARMENPRESS: Syrian-Armenian Vahan Chaghlasyan, dentist- dental technician by profession has decided to establish a dental laboratory in Yerevan jointly with his wife. In an interview with Armenpress, our compatriot stated he was engaged in similar activities in Aleppo before the break up of known clashes. Vahan Chaghlasyan and his wife had a dental laboratory in Aleppo and were managing it, yet they had to leave it and move to Armenia. They are currently living in Yerevan, and are busy with establishment of their business in Homeland.
The Syrian-Armenian family has exerted much efforts, their laboratory is scheduled to operate soon. Initially they have encountered some difficulties because of the lack of both shelter and job. Later they made up their minds to establish their own business in Armenia; their goal will sooner be called into life.
The Syrian-Armenian couple as well as had a chance to move to the United States, yet preferred to come to Armenia. They adhere to the opinion that the Armenians should live and create in their Homeland. They are decisive to never leave Armenia and give birth to their future children in Armenia too.
Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell takes us through some of his work at the time of the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and shares his views on the decisions made by George Bush and Tony Blair. He explains how he represents the reality of ‘shock and awe’. Cartoons are often seen as a low art form which is generally humorous, says Bell – but much of his Iraq war work is grisly
YEREVAN.- World famous singer Julio Iglesias has arrived in Armenia within the framework of world concert tour.
This is his first visit Armenia, he told reporters on Saturday, pointing at long history of friendly relations between Armenian and Spanish nations.
“I have many Armenian friends. I have met thousands of Armenians for the last 45 years. They are spreading your culture all over the globe. So, my visit is not a visit of a foreigner but of a close friend. I never sing in the place which I dislike. I was happy to come here and will sing with pleasure,” he said during the press conference.
Asked about possible cooperation with Armenian musicians, he recalled that had been friends with Charles Aznavour. He sang with Aznavour dozen times and considers French singer his elder brother.
Although Iglesias did not share opinion of reporters that he is adored by women, famous singer confessed to loving women very much.
“I think women feel when men love them.”
Julio Iglesias said he had already asked what Armenians’ favorite song is and what song he could perform during the Monday concert.
“Having experienced revival at a young age, I have become realistic. I set a goal and go for it,” singer said, adding that he is not a dreamer.
Sharing his first impressions on arriving in Armenia, he said that he, and his team thought Armenians are very nice people.
“I have never been to Armenia, but I know the country, thanks to my friends. There is a kind of melancholy in Armenians’ eyes. This reminds me of my homeland. Melancholy is a sister of vulnerability and when a person is vulnerable, it speaks of his heroism.”
Julio Iglesias started his world tour on February 24 from Guatemala. Then he went to Russia, and Ukraine.
Seven years ago, the newly-elected Pope Francis urged Turkey to unconditionally recognize the Armenian Genocide, Asbarez reported.
During events marking the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Buenos Aires, then Archbishop of Buenos Aires Jorge Mario Bergoglio urged Turkey to recognize the Genocide as the “gravest crime of Ottoman Turkey against the Armenian people and the entire humanity.”
On Wednesday, after what is viewed as a short conclave, white smoke from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel heralded that a gathering of Catholic cardinals picked a new pope, choosing the first pontiff from the Americas to lead the Roman Catholic Church.
The 76-year-old pope will be called Francis, the 226th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church and the first member of the Jesuit order to lead the church and the first none-European pope in more than 1,200 years.
“I would like to thank you for your embrace,” the new pope, dressed in white, said from the white balcony on St. Peter’s Basilica as thousands cheered joyously below. “My brother cardinals have chosen one who is from far away, but here I am,” reported the New York Times.
“Pray for me, and we’ll see each other soon,” the pope told the crowd of more than 100,000 gathered at St. Peter’s Square.
The Chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ed Royce (R-CA), joined with fellow members of the Congressional Armenian Caucus and the visiting Minister of Youth and Culture from the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, Narine Aghabalyan, in a bipartisan Capitol Hill celebration marking the 25th anniversary of the Artsakh democracy and freedom movement.
“Nagorno Karabakh is all about freedom. Freedom was the inspiration for the Nagorno Karabakh democracy movement back in 1988. Freedom has been the cornerstone of this proud Republic’s remarkable growth over the past quarter century. And, today, twenty-five years later, freedom remains the key to finding a peaceful and democratic way to finally bring an end to Azerbaijan’s aggression,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “We would like to thank Minister Aghabalyan for joining with us today, and to all our Congressional friends, from both sides of the aisle – including, of course, Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce and our new Republican Co-Chairman of the Armenian Caucus, Michael Grimm – for celebrating the awesome power of freedom, for America, for Artsakh, and for all the peoples of the world.”
The event, hosted by the Congressional Armenian Caucus in the historic Cannon Building, featured a keynote address by Minister Aghabalyan, remarks by Chairman Royce, comments by the two Co-Chairmen of the Armenian Caucus, Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Michael Grimm (R-NY), a moving speech by Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), and messages by Congresswomen Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Jackie Speier (D-CA). Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) welcomed Minister Aghabalyan to the event, and participated in the evening’s celebration. Staff representing over two dozen Congressional offices also participated.
In her remarks, Minister Aghabalyan explained that: “The Nagorno Karabakh Republic is a legal state, which was created through the free expression of the democratic will of the people of Karabakh, and it is, in fact, the non-recognition of this state that contradicts international laws and norms. Our unrecognized status prevents the full realization of the rights of the people who live in Artsakh. It is appropriate to cite the words of the third President of the United States, an outstanding public figure, Thomas Jefferson: ‘Everything is changeable in the world except the natural rights of people.'”
Rep. Grimm, the newly announced Republican Co-Chairman of the Armenian Caucus, reflected on the growing international support for Karabakh’s independence. “If history has furnished any conclusion, it’s that Nagorno Karabakh’s assertion of independence is hardly a fleeting or temporary desire, it’s actually an ancient and salient aspiration that must be part of any permanent resolution if the avoidance of future conflict is going to be a serious goal,” explained Rep. Grimm. “And I believe that realization is gaining increasing traction in the international community for it is the only realistic solution to resolve the dangerous status quo of Azerbaijani and Armenian border guards locked in a stand-off with that fragile 1994 ceasefire square in their cross-hairs.”
Rep. Pallone concurred, noting that “There are those on the other side that keep insisting that somehow the principle of self-determination should not be supreme – and it should always be. . . Karabakh is an independent republic, it should be recognized as such. Any ultimate negotiation through the OSCE Minsk Group or through any other means has to provide for the right to self-determination of the people of Artsakh, either to remain as an independent country or to join with the Republic of Armenia, if that’s how they see fit.”
Chairman Royce and Representative Schiff both reminded attendees about Azerbaijan’s pardon, praise, promotion of convicted axe-murderer Ramil Safarov, who killed Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan in his sleep during a NATO Partnership for Peace English-language training program in Hungary.
“It’s been entirely too long, and too many people have died since Nagorno Karabakh voted for independence,” said Chairman Royce. “We believe it is time for peace. We believe it is time for the angry rhetoric to cease.” Condemning the Safarov scandal, Chairman Royce noted, “You can only have peace when you have sincerity of intent on both sides. And what we are asking is that there be a reflection on the actions that Azerbaijan took to elevate, and commemorate and celebrate the murder of another human being by an axe-murderer.”
“Safarov’s rapturous welcome in Baku is testament to the degree of anti-Armenian hatred that is being incited in contemporary Azerbaijan. That a man, who nearly decapitated a comrade, in his sleep, could be treated as a national hero is so inexplicable and appalling, it vindicates the concern of many Armenians that the forced imposition of Azeri sovereignty over the free people of Artsakh would result in a blood bath,” stated Rep. Schiff, who went on to call for the zeroing out of all U.S. military assistance to Azerbaijan. “By cutting off military aid to Azerbaijan, the U.S. can signal its disgust with the Safarov affair but also remind Aliyev that the U.S. will not tolerate any acts of aggression against Armenia or Artsakh.”
In her address, Rep. Eshoo stressed that: “This milestone for the people of Nagorno Karabakh holds particular meaning for me as an Armenian American. Nagorno Karabakh has faced much difficulty in its history, but its continued push for growth and democracy demonstrates the determination of its people to progress beyond intolerance and violence.” Rep. Speier’s message underscored Nagorno Karabakh’s progress, noting that: “the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh have fought back against attacks on their institutions, their livelihoods, and their very right to exist, and against all odds they have succeeded in creating a democratic society with a vibrant culture and an enduring respect for the pursuit of peace and justice.”
Armenia’s Ambassador to the U.S., Tatoul Markarian and the Representative of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic in Washington, DC, Robert Avetisyan both offered policy-driven remarks on the part of their government. ANCA Executive Director shared the Armenian American community’s enduring support for Artsakh’s national and democratic aspirations, as manifested through a broad array of federal and state-level advocacy initiatives undertaken by the community to support and sustain the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.
Ambassador Markarian, in his speech, said that: “By revising reality and cultivating anti-Armenian hatred, Azerbaijan is seeking to prepare the moral ground, both domestically and internationally, for restarting the war against Nagorno Karabakh.” He went on to explain that, “Azerbaijan is just buying time for preparing a new war, which underscores the urgency of the recognition of the Nagorno Karabakh’s independence by the international community.”