By Zeynep Tozduman Izmir, Turkey

Geography is dominated by Islam in the Middle East, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Nigeria, Libya, Egypt, Iran, etc. countries, even in the 21st century with outdated methods; head cutting, chopping into small marriage age of girls (pedophilia), non-Muslim male circumcision, female circumcision of children, rape of women, stoning etc. such inhuman practices are always some reason (goes hand in Islam) is made on behalf of religion.
That is why suffering in this land, seems to be resolved in the short term.
Isidor Sengal and ongoing terror began with the invasion of Mosul and Nineveh Kopana with the hearing in June 2014, After the ethnic cleansing of Assyrians living in the area now also economic and cultural genocide continues full throttle.
Assyrian genocide for the people, not over the 1915’l of course, all the Islamic lands where they live, they always experience the same pain. Yet these people have experienced the genocide by Simel Kurds in Iraq in 1933.
Daughter in law! A few days ago the news we read on social media together, let us remember, ” Kenya’s capital, a woman in Nairobi ‘for mini skirt wearing’ men who was attacked and clothing were exposed to shatter by male violence by men. A mini can not tolerate even the outskirts of radical Islam, Christian, Jewish, has Eziu and the Alevi faith can show see you think how pleasant you think, Musul- Arbil / Syriacs the status of living in Ankawa …
From June 2014 until this day Syriac and Armenian churches and monasteries of culture was razed to the ground against the bombardment. Historical monuments, the main figure of the Virgin Mary, on the grounds that only broken Processing is contrary was poured. Mosul and Nineveh only ethno -dinsel and economic, cultural genocide was done. Large-scale massacre took place on a date together.
In June 2014, the first hit and the first public has unfortunately forgotten Syrians. What free press and media organizations, nor the imperialist West, unable to turn their eyes to a kind of Syrian people. Perhaps these people, his native land of Mesopotamia and the Middle East are being asked to be forgotten forever, who knows? However, according to the historian is the most ancient peoples of Anatolia known.
These days the Syrian press and television organizations, except in the press a few Kurds and the BBC recently, forgotten and insisted not to be ignored by the Syrian people’s suffering, less is not enough to come if the agenda but yeah … http: // / turkce / news / 2014/11 / 141114_musul_gunluk? sthisfb
We make visible the suffering of the Syrian people unless we first need to question our humanity.
The war, and Nineveh in Mosul past June, it takes full throttle;
Assyrians why no help was always extend the hand he thinks I stand …
People of Turkey for Syrian people, why was no curfew until this day?
Assyrian people, why the weapons and manpower, as in Sengal / why ever not defended? Last year, Syria / Kesab sorrow in my hand Syrians inhabited by Armenians lived in this time of Mosul and Nineveh. Also from the Armenians living in Mosul and Nineveh once again shared the same fate with the Syrians about 200- 300 people.
Approximately 250,000 Syriac Catholics and Assyrian / Chaldean over, when the peoples of Turkey from abroad, why no water was spreading to the heart of this ancient Christian?
They stay quiet for being a Christian people, have reached a blind eye to this day. Why do we play the three monkeys in each massacre and genocide. As such, we provide support as always for some reason. They are impersonating the silence of the lambs is not Islam centuries. Whereas centuries ago Kuthan Martin King, had expressed my feelings on this issue in the best way, ” not the end of everything the words of our enemies, we will remember the silence of our friends. ”
We lay our hearts to others so that we, human beings. If this is a fashion day in the land of humanity, will begin the first steps we have taken to this other.
I look at the campaign contributions that neither I also personally involved with social media in our hearts always seared Sengal and help Kobani’yi screams …
A Syrian friend, author, activist, journalist, human rights defender, the NGO and hdp’l as I ask. Turkey why people in this country to help the Syrian people is not at all organized campaigns? All the answers to these questions, the course will give you rewrite history on.
8 November 2014 IZMIR NGO congress as a delegate, I criticize why we remain insensitive to the suffering of the Syrian people. Sengal and survival of humanity in the face of disaster Kobani’de, does not require us to forget that resists being next to one another. No reason we can not hear the screams of the Syrian people who experience the same disaster. In this sense, my people against the Syrian people so that everyone has the self-criticism and apology.
Syrian people to carry the pain of the most agenda and political structures to help organize campaigns are primarily HDK HDP- DTK- DBP formation and Left-Socialist, I think. Also we have meetings, panel discussions, conferences and meetings in our language, our Musul- Nineveh-Sengal local chambers -The SME neck until she change will remain as long as we always bent against the Syrian people.
Currently Iraq / Erbil and struggling to survive in Ankawa Musul- Syrian people are the first victims of the terror Isidor. 250,000 lives, in winter conditions where it went live as refugees NO-poor, we are in a position to extend our humanity because we have been condemned. Those who stayed in Mosul to forced Islamization, to cover their heads, to take pressure the Islamic Educational, pay jizya tax, women and girls continue to be seen as a godsend by Isidor. Syriac people have been a people most all alone in this process. Without maddi- moral support to diaspora Assyrians of the Assyrian people in Iraq, the expatriate to leave the bar and the public would struggle to survive in winter conditions with 250,000 people facing famine. It would be a shame to all of us. Behold this pain, we all have that cry !!!
BOP is a project of the century to go through life struggling global powers, they pressed the button for 4 years before the so-called Arab Spring. Geographical and geopolitical position as of that day, this is the day of the imperialist powers have turned the Middle East into a bloodbath. Against the war climate, the climate of peace Musul- Nineveh, Ankawa- Şengal- build Kobani’de, solidarity and common struggle of the people, it is possible to resist the global powers. Otherwise, this endless pain, the ancient people of the share will continue to fall. These days indescribable pain, Armenians, Assyrians, Kurds, EZiD, Shiites, Turkmen, short of Sunni Islam Nusayris share has fallen to all faiths and non-public. Who is the honorable resistance in order to avoid Kobani’yi Let’s grow together tomorrow.
1915 Anatolian people living with genocide massacre Kızılbaş living beliefs, as shootings every genocide, took his place in the history of mankind shame page. Courses, General Sayyed Reza as the ” shame, sin, oppression is’ alive all these who. What many of our shame, our shame we have. We confront the 1915 Genocide and legal proceedings as long as we, our belief is that the shame will be greater than this country.
People of the region, as long as imperialism and capitalism that soil removal from yesterday Nusra- El Kaide- El Oso, Isidor new actors these days, Middle east, will shed more blood. It seems that war and massacres will continue to hurt the longer the ancient people.
Zeynep Tozduman